SHOCK NEWS Poloniex Announce Distribution of BitCoinCash to account holders !

in crypto-news •  8 years ago  (edited)

polo_notice BCC.jpg


Poloniex Bashing

Poloniex has come in for a fair amount of bashing over the last few days / weeks / months / years - (some might say justifiably so) ! It doesn't seem a particularly popular trading exchange with the Steemit fraternity (until you start sniffing around in users wallets).. but I wouldn't do such a thing would I ? Oh wouldn't I !!

It has come in for some serious criticism and I've read quite a lot about it. The removal of the infamous trollbox the original home of F.U.D was seen by many as a stinking pointy finger & huge embarrassment to the agency, I mean the organisation as many frustrated users began to vent their frustration / anger / fury to the mods, which to be honest was pretty awful & cringey to watch from behind a pillow which you might be biting... It's been over a month now and you still haven't fcking replied ARGGHHHH* type comments, were coming in thick and fast just before the mods were re-assigned to the support department.


Village Panic

The latest round of commentary suggests that the word on the street is they are about to fold ! and that the handlers, err owners are going to run with the millions of BitCoinCash which they haven't given out yet.. It's a bit doomsday to me. I reckon they'll still be going this time next year and although their sudden change of user terms seemed a bit close to FORK day for most people's liking and included such nuggets as they claim Ownership of these words that I'm WRITING NOW and that they can change terms without notice and that you can't take them to court or engage in a class action.. all sound suspiciously guilty of upcoming upheavals, I think it's just a cynical legal team trying to tighten up they calculate (or already know) that investors, traders and fun coiners are beginning to / will begin jumping ship to brighter, happier, less hospital green coloured and morbid feeling exchanges. (Did I say that ? Ouch)


Conspiracy Theories

It's no surprise that many in the crypto community suspected that polo was an agency job designed to onboard as many crypto users as possible to vast databases of miscreant citizens, non believers in the system and other dangers to society. (other exchanges didn't seem to want / need so much information for verification). Being based in Wilmington Delaware does raise the odd eyebrow.. have you not seen The Bourne films ?.. It's probably not good for business in a world of encrypted transactions to be suspected as being the authorities is it !



Well that just about seemed to be the last straw. Many users vented fury recently at missing out on considerable profits during outages at critical stage. The memes were hilarious. Someone mentioned Poloniex running off raspbery pi server racks and It may have again just been bad luck, poor infrastructure, system security. If not, it was surely someone with a vested interested, hellbent on making sure they got their rocks off before anyone else did. Someone mentioned the Russians & the Chinese. They always get the blame when a sensitive hack occurs. It probably wasn't North Korea either but some smart ass pump and dump group of preppy prep oxford blue & chino wearing coinsters who paid someone operating in a smelly corner of TOR to perform dirty work on their behalf for a token amount of .... you guessed it.. BitCoins. Or maybe it was the FEDS ! we'll never know :)


To be Fair

I never had a problem with poloniex. Their analytical tools are worthy of agency coders organisational skills, it's ease and speed of use (personally speaking) was impressive. I only ever had one consignment of SBD go missing and it eventually turned up.. all 12 SB-Dollars of it. The sheer volumes on poloniex do make it interesting and I'm sure there are many ex-users who still sneak over to check their $5 remainder holdings just so they can check the charts.. come on you know you do, like shy conservatives, you wouldn't admit it but there you go .



Oh yeah I got a bit carried away there, yes Poloniex announced that they will indeed be distributing the squillions of Bitcoincash they hold on account by the 14.08.2017 (by which point they might well be worth 10 to the dollar,) and a significant portion of poloniex customers may literally hang on for a week, cash in and jump. I'm sure there are many suits who will stay loyal. Would Poloniex really want to own this post ?


thanks to giphy for the lovely gifs X

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