The Future Of Cryptocurrencies (Video: 2014 Andre Antonopoulos predicts Steemit)

in crypto-news •  9 years ago  (edited)

I made this video two years ago with Andre Antonopoulos where he predicts what we are seeing now with Steemit "It dawned on me, to ask the question how many currencies will exist is equivalent to asking the question how many bloggers will there be on the internet and the answer is simple...all of us"...

Andre goes on to say:

"There used to be a time that if you wanted to read authoritative opinion you bought a piece of paper from an organization that had a printing press that was three stories high and four football fields long and had a really great name like the "New York Times"... And that organization could buy ink by the barrel and through that ownership of this enormous manufacturing facility they had the weight of authority... And so we infused authority into these institutions and we use that authority to decide which opinions mattered and which opinions didn't. We used them as gatekeepers of authority to give us guidance in understanding opinion, and then the Internet destroyed all of that... Because suddenly anyone could print and anyone could publish and I remember in the early days people talked about, well how the hell will we know which opinions matter if anyone can have an opinion, the world will come to an end surely... And suddenly the world is upside down... Authority is no longer the person who owns the printing press but it is now the person who has the content that matters. And we just did this to currency because now the authority is not derived from the sovereignty of the issuer from the printing press of a nationstate that can declare through monopoly and use of force that this is the currency you will use... Now we can choose currency and a five-year-old can create currency."

I think it's safe to say he nailed it right there on the money so to speak! Let me know if you agree and if you like this kind of content and would like to see more from PFT!

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With the ability to cast a vote for or against the opinions published daily by the Steemit printing press full of free-minded people who have plugged in early to something that will change the world, the old centralized printing presses become irrelavant. We as a human race actually learn hidden truths as we see the results of the voting. We see real value and truth and the path toward a brighter future.

it's going to be a fun future ahead of us...

Very thought provoking!

Antonopoulos is definitely a visionary. Keep putting material out like this and people like me will keep upvoting! When my brother introduced me to crypto, Antonopoulos was the first name he mentioned. Few people who have knowledge also have both perspective and vision. This is just the beginning.

In 2013 I had a friend who was talking about using smart contract systems to regulate production processes with each element of a production process paying other elements... two years later I heard about Ethereum, and it's more or less a system that uses smart contracts to move money around according to organisational rules. He was a mathematics student, second generation polish american.

Two years ago I had the idea of using relaying of network traffic as a proof of work for a blockchain currency and a type of credit note system that could be used to both shuffle the routes and itself be a kind of currency. I am sure that someone is coming up with a way to make a system like Tor without compromising identity while paying nodes for their services. I am not sure exactly how it would be done so I am sorta hoping that someone else will hear of it and develop a more detailed architecture than I have so far.

The next few years are very exciting in the cryptocurrency world. Now to work out which one next to invest into!

It's so interesting sometimes to step back a few years and see what people were saying vs what's happening now :)

Definitely would like more of this type of content. I love that everyone can create content nowadays...however people do like to be part of a group...and therefore are open to being corrupted and mislead. I am going to be posting something about crowd psychology later on today.

good shit but I still like money (gold) more then currency! 8D

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment