ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #29 - The Future Of Crypto In Everyday Life

in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #29

The Future Of Crypto In Everyday Life and Why Should You Not Sell

Imagine this...

You are going to your local supermarket. That nice one you really like. It's filled with everything you need and want. You are walking through the aisles and buying everything your heart desires. Then, when you are done, you push your cart to the register and take out your Bitcoin card. The cashier smiles nicely. You pay 0.000000112 BTC and take everything you need for the week or more. Then you exit the store with a smile on your face and go home. This is the future.


Believe it or not, this scenario is not only plausible but very possible. It is not a figment of imagination or a fairytale. Bitcoin was made to entirely replace all fiat currencies which have absolutely no real value, except for the one your government made you believe they have. You believed it only because you were told over and over the same lie ever since you learned the meaning of the word 'money'. This is called mind conditioning and, unfortunately, works quite well.


The point is: If we start believing in crypto, start accepting crypto as our regular means of payment and we exchange it for all the goods we produce and services we provide, we will put false fiat money out of the picture. Along with it, we will put all established centralized money-printing institutions out of business and we will create a dawn of a brave new world. The world, so different from the New World Order that the powers to be, have so nicely prepared for enslaving us even more than we already are.

'No, thank you,' say we!

The worldwide crypto movement is a unique chance to change the world, create new values, make a financial revolution for the benefit of all and take down the grand illusion that world rulers, the liars without boundaries, have imposed upon everyone. Every and each day, hundreds of venues are starting to adopt crypto as means of payment because their owners understand what's going on.

How do you fit into this plan?

Do not sell your crypto for fiat. Take out what you need, and only what you need to live well. Do not short sell millions, thus lowering the price of crypto. This is counterproductive. Crypto will win this war and all who sold will be just well-off instead of being millionaires. Do not destroy this wonderful opportunity for yourself and your children, and their children. Hold on to your crypto and use it wisely within the crypto community. Buy goods and services for crypto. Sell goods and services for crypto. This is what we do at the ADSactly society.

ads units.png

Think ahead!

Invest your crypto further, buy ADXCU and ADXDU, even ADXWU on These units are what we pay for goods and services between ourselves and their value will only go up in time. We, the pioneers, early adopters of cryptocurrencies, firmly believe in the bright future. But. most of all, we believe in people. People who will hold on to their crypto and not be foolishly believing that it has less value than fiat only because operators of an old and dying financial system proclaim so.

Enough of lies. Wake up!


Do you know what happens after these guys spill their 'wisdom' on crypto having no value? They lock themselves in their rooms with their computers and secretly pile up their wallets with all the cryptocurrencies they can get hands on. The price is low, so it is time to buy. And, do you know why is it low when they buy? Because people listen to their lies and believe them. It is obvious what is about to happen with fiat system and therefore they buy as much crypto as they possibly can. The price is always awesome when unwise massively sell. This rule is as old as the civilization.

Here is a tip for your future well-being and financial independence: "Say no to fiat money. Do not sell your crypto except for basic needs. You lose money each time you sell crypto."

And one more: "Never power down your account!"


If you are interested in joining the ADSactly society, please read the series on ADSactly from the beginning. Have all of your questions answered in advance.

ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #1
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #2
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #3
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #4
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #5
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #6
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #7
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #8
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #9
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #10
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #11
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #12
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #13
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #14
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #15
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #16
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #17
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #18
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #19
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #20
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #21
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #22
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #23
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #24
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #25
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #26
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #27
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #28


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My friends don’t want to touch cryptocurrency until I can prove to them that I can convert back to cash. I don’t want to convert back to cash because I’ve researched cryptocurrency and realize that there is massive growth in the near future.

They also ask when will I cash out. The answer to that question is another question. “Cash out to what?”. Even though there will stil be a need to use paper notes, the value of the dollar is in jeopardy. If I were to cash out, eventually I will need to convert back when cryptocurrency becomes mainstream.

Now get ready to have you mind blown...
What if the dollar today is not actually stable as we think it is? What if this massive growth of cryptocurrency is not growth at all... Instead, cryptocurrency is not growing at all, but the value of fiat currencies are plummeting....

hahah... thank you.

Like wise i told someone i made $13 sbd on steem which is equal to R2000 in south africa he told me show me a message from the bank

@nabstertsr Heheheee, you should show him your steem wallet and tell him to Google the exchange rate. It is funny how we have to work so hard to persuade people that they can do well without really any risk! Only in SA :D

Same issue i have wit my folks here in nigeria


Thats verry cool havent thought of it that way

Everyone will begin to follow one day. They are scared now just as others are, but soon will come a time when governments openly tell communities they have begun a conversion into crypto and all the gates will be flooded with cash. Look at Korea for instance. Its trading for almost 35% more value than what we are trading for and its because of the mass adoption. Once we get to that point in America, I predict we will be one of the highest trading countries in the world.

The only problem is the constant fluctuations of crypto prices. This is the one major setback for implementation of crypto currencies as a payment method , the few businesses that have this option charge crazy fees to compensate for the risk of fluctuations.

Well i am new addition to steemit and i came here after reading lot about Crypto Currency. Steemit is the only medium which works upon Win-win approach and none loses in it, it gives worth to anyone.
I am Teacher by profession but what i am doing here? Simply the answer is "Man! the coming time will be owned by Crypto Currency"

There is very much possibility in 2045 we are saying like this " Share some of your SBD with me so that i can buy a car" or I have transferred the Steem into your account so give me 2 Kg Potatoes. It seems funny but remember Time always changes with every passing moment.

I am agreed upon this very point you raised in your article
If we start believing in crypto, start accepting crypto as our regular means of payment and we exchange it for all the goods we produce and services we provide, we will put false fiat money out of the picture. Along with it, we will put all established centralized money-printing institutions out of business and we will create a dawn of a brave new world. The world, so different from the New World Order that the powers to be, have so nicely prepared for enslaving us even more than we already are.

Yellow Journalism is a term used in Media Reporting just to promote the authenticity of any fake news in a more logical way, this is absolutely what Bankers are doing now with BTC and other digital currencies.
But the fact is that Future belongs to Crypto-World for sure.

This is so deep analysis and message for everyone & just i learnt it and will try to follow this point in my next plans.

Here is a tip for your future well-being and financial independence: "Say no to fiat money. Do not sell your crypto except for basic needs. You lose money each time you sell crypto."

And one more: "Never power down your account!"

Today i made myself Official Steemian by writing my introductory Post and looking really forward to learn more and more such valuable aspects of Crypto World and Steemit.

Your Write up is so so impressive, Keep Sharing worth reading thoughts with steemians.

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

Thank you for this wonderful comment, Mr Teacher ;)

Authors like you can bring Revolution both Physically & Virtually. Looking really forward to learn more from you and also i would like to share my ideas too with you. By the way you are more than Welcome Mr @adsactly ;)

We can't wait to live the big CRYPTO dream. Thanks for always bringing this up here@adsactly

And people like you can help create visions. They are both revolutionary and creative.
some people like to 'see' to believe.

great one mate.
I am from lahore as well. just starting as well.
lets help to improve our odds.
I am not much of a sreemit but will get better.
this post is great and keep it up

@adsactly It's absolutely inevitable that the whole world will revolve around cryptoccurencies really soon. Cryptos and blockchain technology.

It's like the beginning of an entirely new chapter in global economic history. Taking into consideration that all bank currency in circulation all over the world equals approximately 2 quadrillion USD, and the fact that the whole cryptocurrency market capitalization is roughly 0,71 trillion USD, I think it's safe to say that the whole crypto thing is still at its infancy stage.

There's a lot more to come and plenty of room for exponential growth!

Highest Regards

Nice post @adsactly, for me I'm holding mine,
Thanks for the enlightenment

The transfer of wealth is already very apparent!

For people who want to get started it isn't too late, just time well, be smart and do your homework!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That implantation of the crypto vision idea that ADSactly society implement is exciting me :) It's not trivial to see a LARGE group of people that do not consider cryptocurrency as means of making more fiat dollars but as a way of life, a mission to untangle the world and people of the shackles of bureaucracy and of the colonialist idea that a small group of people should rule the rest - via their control of money in our case.

This is not just about money - this is a life philosophy that advances TRUST between people, as the economy we will creat will be based on the belief that every one in the market will honor the concept we establish, and just like us - use the cryptocurrency just as he would fiat in the old days.

You might think "the fiat was creation of imagination and it was only accepted because people agreed to accept it, then why is cryptocurrency different?"

Let me answer you - Crypto is different because of a word we always say but maybe don't understand deeply enough - DECENTRALIZATION(!), this word means that this is not a little group of conspirators making the rules and the rest are following like a herd to the slaughter - the crypto world is our creation, according to our needs, with our privacy protected, and if it is not fitting our values - we will just deny it and it will dissolve, and another coin, more adapt and fitting will rise. there are also many types of crypto with as many different features so everyone can find his own coin fitting his beliefs and principles.

So friends - are you still waiting? join the new world! be the pioneers of this new philosophy and advance us all to a better way of life!


you are right on point, crypto currency is the future and the more hodl of good coins the more value crypto marketcap will be. i dont save money in the bank anymore. like you rightly said i just convert from any crypto profit i have made a bit to fiat for the purpose i need when i need. its common sense. the most a bank will give you for holding fiat is 3-5 percent for a whole year, use that same money to buy a good coin and you can imagine what will become of it in a year

I pretty much HODL every and any crypto I get. I've never actually cashed out a dime, however; I've also not invested like I should have.

I know the future that crypto will bring for those who patiently wait. Even if just a little bit. I like that 117 satoshi's for a weeks' worth of groceries. That makes one satoshi $1. I'm okay with that!

My company is the first and only company in my entire area to accept bitcoin as payments. Reality is, I'd accept any form of crypto. Especially STEEM or SBD, and I would Power Up immediately.

This is all a part of my retirement plan. Also a plan for my children, my childrens children and my childrens childrens children to be well off. Think long-term! I've considered cashing out some crypto's for a nice new DSLR camera but I'd rather spend my fiat on daily expenses.

I can imagine telling my grandkids how I started on Steemit when 1 SBD was around $1 as their eyes open wide in amazement because it's now at $100,000.

I support your thoughts, you call for the right things to save yourself crypto who will be able to change the world financial system.
First of all, due to the efforts of all people who are daily involved here and do something to inform other people, the situation will change. The more people will be involved in the process of cryptography, the stronger their faith in changing the world will grow. It is important not just to conduct speculation with the crypto currency for profit, but to use it as the main currency - for settlements with other people, for buying things ...
Once people understand that this can change life - they will do so and then we will see real changes in everything that surrounds us.
Thank you for the right thoughts @adsactly that you are spreading

Another excellent article

Very interesting, and very well put together. Is there any doubt at this point that "crypto's" future use is not going to be one thing? In other words, the functionality will vary drastically across different cryptos, based on transaction speed, fees, and market value?

There's no doubt that crypto will replace fiat, the question is: is bitcoin the right currency for everyday use?
It seems that there already are better options for the huge number of transactions people do on their daily routine

Your thought is pure materialistic.

It's all about breaking your habit of feeling bad. We all have suffered a lot in this life and we have faced failures and disappointments so we have gotten used to it ...thinking this is the only reality and the only kind of life we can have.He shows us that by practicing new habits we can transform our lives.

Truthfully, the world is changing very fast with the advent of fiat currencies, trust me, this is giving a lot of governments of the world concern as it threatens their control over the world economy.

This is an eye opener, most people now hold, save and invest their funds independent of their country's financial institutions.

I'm particularly amazed at this goodness happening in my days, this is cool stuff. Hahaha!

Thank you STEEMIT for giving us this wonderful opportunity to do what we love and get paid on top of it.

Let's STEEMIT Guys


It's gonna be a good year for crypto world!
I can see bright future :)

It’ll take many years until crypto becomes usable in our daily lives..

You are right. Good thing take time.

And is that a problem buddy? :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@adsactly Great post. Very useful information.
Thanks for the article.

Nice meme.

@adsactly You are picturing a wonderful world of cryptocurrency. And I believe you crypto is awesome.I just hope it stays awesome and not tainted by evildoers.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"Enough of lies. Wake up!"

Wonderful message @adsactly.
Thanks for sharing.

I think it would be very nice. It should try on ..
"If we start to believe in cryptography, we will not accept the crypt which is our normal payment method, and if we shop for all the merchandise we produce and services we provide, we will remove the fake money from the picture, but we will exclude all of the established central institutions and we will create a brave new world dawn Unlike the New World Order, the worlds are preparing to enslave themselves far more than before, to be forces. "
And that's exactly what I think. I agree with you

nice, thanks for share @adsactly

They Live is one of my favorite Roddy Piper films, classic.

There has been a long and detailed explanation. Thanks my friend.

I'm down with the revolution! My only concern is that the mainstream won't adopt it. How do we get ma, pa, and uncle Joe to see the change? How long until they can go to a local store and exchange crypto for goods?

@adsactly the future of crypto is now. Loving the concept of doing everyday transactions with crypto currency but not in bitcoin cos transaction fee is expensive. I think steem or SBD would be a cool alternative

inspiring post.
i really dremt and felt as if i was buying in a big Mall.
i wait for that day.
after all how long Governments can cheat people...

Crypto currency is the way of the future

Let's guess by what year cryptocurrency would go mainstream!
My guess is in the next 30 years or so.

excelent vlog

for post thank you. I will consider what they say.

great post bro i really like this type post because this post is very helpful ...wish you best of luck keep posting....

Thanks for your informative news I appreciate your thoughts.

To me, Bitcoin is something that bothers the gold. The value may increase 10 to 20 times."PASS TO THE GOLD" @adsactly

nice information of cryptocurrency,great analysis
i like your post,thanks for sharing

[Here is a tip for your future well-being and financial independence: "Say no to fiat money. Do not sell your crypto except for basic needs. You lose money each time you sell crypto." ]
I agree with you here.You talk right.
I do not give up here and I follow you :))
Thanks for sharing.. Nice post @adsactly

Kindly help me to upvote my new new on this and pls add me to any group i can always get upvote.

But how is cryptocurrency different from beanie babies, pogs or sports memorabilia?

thank for information boss.. nice

good share

It might happen in a year or two.
Now I'm not sure if it can work out and that a lot of places will accept bitcoin.
But I would really love that in the future we will be able to have our own crypto-card.

great defined , i would like to read all parts..
thank u for this owesome work @adsactly
resteemed too

excellent post, I follow you and I support you

Your tips is very important for me.
Thanks for sharing @adsactly

a good information friend

The world is finally coming into digital currency. Back in the days gold and paper money was talen as a granterd form of money. But the highly digitalization of countries become an encubator for currency. This days countries with high bandwidth per person usage will become one form of economic entities. Like gdp per capita and income per capita was among the crieterias for economic. But think about bandwidth per capita. That is like visavie cryptocurency.

I am waiting for that great day :) Nice post, thank you for sharing!

I imagine a very good thing for the future with bitcoin exchange everything becomes easy and very beautiful,

It won't be a bitcoin card but maybe a steem card? :)

Saya sangat berharap begitu, namun sayang masih ada negara-negara yang melarangnya

Great post! You got a point. Just convert what you need in fiat and keep the extra for crypto. The world is changing and we should not be left behind.

Yes, they denigrate crypto currency to drop the price for more profit to them. And never ever power down your Steem is the wisest advice!

nice photography.....
thanks for sharing

Well it's very good to sell just what you need. I sold just a few coins this week to meet my financial needs. I don't see myself selling everything when I know digital currencies will the order of the day in the near future.

Congratulations @adsactly, this post is the forth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 41 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $4548.37. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

Wow!!! The the future of crypto in every day life and the reasons we shouldnt sell is one the best post so far.. And the point you talked about fitting into plan was so educating and I learnt much about my BTC.. THANKS @adsactly

I have something I think you will like

Your Upvote can change a life of some one for good thanks

I think contactless shopping will be done in the future. debit cards are now out of date. we must use contactless. bitcoin is in our lives now. we can not leave him.

Despite the need for us to hold our crypto in preparation for when it would make us millionaires, there are some of us whose needs are dire and we can't wait.
Countries like Nigeria where the dollar is revered, getting people to store their crypto for long periods will be difficult.
This is not to say that i do not like your idea of saving but we are too hungry to wait.

hello hello today I was able to read your post, this initiative to create an exclusive line of purchase products and services for crypto. Sell ​​goods and services for an alternative ecelnet points towards the future
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Nice post
Very informative and you are right, but today, this is strange about the crypto currency

Perhap there will be a multi-crypto debit card allows any crypto to be used for payment at any shop/store.

You are going to your local supermarket. That nice one you really like. It's filled with everything you need and want. You are walking through the aisles and buying everything your heart desires. Then, when you are done, you push your cart to the register and take out your Bitcoin card. The cashier smiles nicely. You pay 0.000000112 BTC and take everything you need for the week or more. Then you exit the store with a smile on your face and go home. This is the future.

I'm in heaven then :)

Great post ever, thanks for sharing!

Thank you for sharing writing today

thank you for this information

follow me i will follower back

Beautiful piece

Yeah right? It will be mindblowing if people would've been able to go to a sex-shop and ask kindly about the possibility of buying a whip or cuffs with a bitcoin credit card. It will change the world!
And the shop owner would ask if the dear customer is interested in a special outfit with a discount! And how he wants to pay with bitcoins, dash or eth.
It's just mindblowing!

Adsactly, while I agree with you on the principles of your post, I think it's irresponsible of you to give this kind of pitch for Bitcoin with its existing technical issues. The last graphic on this post is extremely misleading and here's why:

  • Bitcoin is no longer easily transactable

While it used to be relatively quick and cheap to send a Bitcoin transaction, today the median Bitcoin transaction fee is around $10. For the example given of using a Bitcoin wallet at the grocery store, if you just wanted a $1 candy bar it would end up costing $11. Additionally, you may wait up to hours at the store waiting for your transaction to confirm because of the limited processing ability of the Bitcoin network. This is a huge problem for the currency and the main reason it won't scale to this proportion.

  • Bitcoin is not as decentralized as some other cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin mining is almost exclusively controlled by a handful of large mining pools. Regular users cannot compete with mining new bitcoins, so using Bitcoin legitimizes the oligopoly of mega-miners controlling the entirety of the new supply of bitcoin.

  • Bitcoin's mining is extremely wasteful

The power burned by the bitcoin network in 2 seconds could power your house for two years, and the power burned doesn't achieve anything productive in terms of making the network faster.

  • Holders of Bitcoin are not rewarded for holding it

The biggest flaw in my opinion, is that holders and users are not rewarded for using the network. It is YOU, the user, that decides which crypto is worth the most, not the market or the banks or the first users. And generally speaking, a currency/network that gives you some kind of reward for holding it IS a step up from Bitcoin, where the rewards for holding it come OUTSIDE of the network.

In conclusion, if you think these points are sensible, check out some of the Proof-of-Stake projects coming out in 2018 which will attempt to address these significant problems and bring further blockchain progress and capabilities to the world.

Totally agree with what you wrote. Just yesterday, I managed to convince my friend who is a General Practitioner to take SBD as another mode of payment.

I was prompted to mention steemit to him because he was going through difficulties with his clinic financially. He is a great GP!

Since our steemians community is growing in our area, we can use a doctor to look after our health well being and pay him in SBD. He just joins and waiting for his password.
Next, I am going to find a specialist centre and tell them about steemit and cryptocurrency. I'm sure they had heard about it. Just nees some push I guess.
This is the future!

Thank you for sharing.

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Agreed just wait until some of these western currencies go belly-up and everyone's clamouring to find some new international currency to trade oil - oh wait there is already crypto⛅ Great Post

Super channel.
I also invite you to my channel, about the cryptocurrency market :)

The Future Of Crypto is great in coming years in my views.
This is the altcoins season.

Please follow me @asifgoraya123

I am a crypto trader analyst and researcher.
Will appreciate the a follow.

Hey all!
I have put together some picks. They are low market cap coins that I believe have great potential for profit. Obviously there is risk and do your own diligence before buying. I am not a financial planner or advisor.
In no particular order:

  1. AirSwap AST (Binance)
  2. Lamden TAU (EtherDelta)
  3. Loopring LPC (Binance)
  4. aelf ELF (Binance)
  5. Luxcoin LUX (Cryptopia)
    (Follow me on my new Steemit for daily picks, and have an excellent day!)

Very well said. The word 'mind conditioning' reminds me of an incidence that happened in my house many years ago: on a certain evening my brother who is a writer was getting ready to start his night session so he started to put On the lamp (a local device that burns on kerozene to give light) as he was doing this, electricity was restored (in this part of the world electricity is not regular) but he rarely remembered that there was light already. It was after lighting the lamp that he realized that he didn't need it after all; electricity had been restored but because his mind had been conditioned to put On the lamp every night.
This is what is still affecting many people with respect to crypto.

Do you think that Bitcoin will last forever??
Also, do you have any prediction about Ripple or XLM?

Thank you for this information

Thanks for share this very informative article dear @adsactly

wow. This is such a strong statment. Thank you for the article. I sold more my ripplel. I shouldn't have.

very nice and very informative post,i followed u because u always share valuable content.keep posting such content.appreciated.

yes i think it would be great. Now we use automatic credit card in daily life. Paper money can be experienced without. so viruses living on money can not make us sick :)))) @adsactly

Yes, your right cryptocurrency is our future. Where we can buy anything with this in future. And we don't need to carry hard currency with us. We can easy and relax after getting cryptocurrency Fully in our lives.

I find the evolution of Cryptocurrencies absolutely fascinating. I've always been a bit of closet conspiracy theorist, believing that few people with power and money will try and control the masses.

Since the gold standard was abandoned, the idea of what gives money value, in my opinion, is the presence of trust. But the last decade the world and money is evolving quickly.

I surely hope, that the masses will embrace Cryptocurrency !!

Thanks for sharing....

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Spot on AdSactly. I was blown with the idea of crypto based world. Just imagine when u buy a buy by exchanging crypto its a win win for both buyer and seller. Because seller git crypto which can always appreciate in value in comparison to fiat which does not appreciate on its own in our bank accounts. Buyer might have bought beer frm his profits or free coins.. ao buyer got free beer and seller also might have sold a free beer as he might have sold a free stock... So having a crpypto currencies will change the way we transact in future. Just imagine if you donate a fiat to poor, its value will not increase. But if you create a wallet and donate SBD to him today. . Just imagine after few years what will be its value. So in this way even poor will become part of society where they will also have good wealth. I am sure crypto will change the way we buy goods and services. Crypto will bring more transperency in the system. And with decentralised technology there will be more power to people.

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Please please please guys


@adsactly I read a really interesting post by a new Steemian yesterday @kpg who wrote an article about the The real value of Bitcoin and it talks about not the monetary value but the opportunity Bitcoin has offered us to really transform our world for better!

Thanks for posting this; it's great to look ahead. In my little corner of Nova Scotia I'm surprised at the number of my co-workers who last year were scoffing at the idea of cryptocurrency as a 'cult,' are now quietly asking me for some directions on how to get started. I expect to see that happening more as we begin to hear more about crypto in the mainstream media. It seems the news focuses on 'bubbles' yet never seems to cover the gains after a dip.
I will admit that although I agree to hang onto the crypto and to only cash in when you really need something, I cashed in some last summer, but I really NEEDED my sailboat!

Your notion is natural materialistic.

This is major man. Ive been away for a while and I come back to seeing great things like this going on for you guys. Again im proud of how you guys have progressed.

Since I've joined this community, I make sure I follow up with you about all your posts. I really like what's I do see in your account. Thanks for sharing this as well. It's really helpful.

Please follow me please i need your support

Congratulations @adsactly!
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If this is true... Uff "it's a very exciting time"... I feel a little bit like Tank (from Matrix) at reading this article... And a little bit like Neo too. Thanks man, I need to resteem this.

Great! Please permitt me to resteem this. Crypto is the future.