Peerplays , future of fair casino!

in crypto •  7 years ago 

I want to tell you all about Peerplays.

Now you can ask why?

Because it's a decentralised gaming platform and it has huge potential. In normal casino's you can never win because the 'House always wins'. Peerplays want the players to win and not the house, don't you see the huge potential it has? Gambling industry is a multi billion market , when players start to see the potential of going to a decentralised casino , where they actually can win, this market will boom!

Other advantages of peerplays are:

-profit sharing, when you hold ppy tokens you get a share of the profit made on the network!
-They are launching their first apps like bookie in 2018

  • You can buy now PPY tokens while they are still cheap, it won't last long. Only look to the total supply of 5.5 million PPY , this is a low supply so price will go in the 100's when they launch their apps.

Schermafbeelding 2017-11-25 om 14.38.24.png

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Couldn't agree more. this coin will moon and holders wont be selling because of profit sharing