Theft: The CEO of the South Korean crypto exchange Bitsonic, Jinwook Shin, was arrested for allegedly stealing investments and deposits from users of the exchange[1].
Legal issues: A study on the binding power of cryptocurrency in electronic transactions found legal issues related to the use of cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange in business transactions[2].
Islamic perspective: There is a cryptocurrency called Caizcoin that claims to be sharia-compliant. However, according to the results of a meeting of Islamic scholars, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin are haram for activities[3]. Caizcoin is a platform developed in Germany and incubated in 2018, which claims to provide a secure platform using decentralized blockchain technology so that investors have the power to control their transactions without the involvement of any third party[3].
Impact on economy: A study analyzed the impact of the development of digital currency Bitcoin on the economy, particularly in terms of the presence of gharar elements[6].
Exchangeability: Cryptocurrencies can be exchanged with other currencies, similar to the exchange of gold with gold and silver with silver[5].