Since the pandemic in 2020 there is a tremendous uncertainty in the global economy the Chinese decided to take this into a positive side and want to take advantage of this ,The crypto mining side is also very inspired and it will lead them to promote and the freedom in the china.
There are some major companies of China related to the Crypto mining are going to combine together and they want to lead a new Chinese blockchain Media company to launch a new platform, On the platform they will share all the information , Te platform is called pow Power.
Pow power announce that why they are forced to think about making such platform the reason behind this idea is to make a more trustworthy platform, because the public want more trusty and transparent communication and need to be in touch with the situation every time.
“The index reference will be based on market supply and demand, revenue observation and public opinion. The miners and mines’ supply and demand information will be collected and published regularly on the "POW POWER" WeChat public platform.”
The main problem is lack of information from the censored department and the Scamming schemes for different resources are causing serious problems to the mining companies And its really tough for the investors to get attracted to them and can communicate with freedom. Which is not easy for them to build a trust.
There are many misleading information are spreading in every way of life about the different industries which really effect the economy of the world so We need to have a special plat form where we can share the original Stuff and only the verified new can spread over there which will further help many things in a possible way.