Swarm City will soar in the coming months... ...here's why

in crypto •  7 years ago 

The world has become much too busy with worker bees who have forgotten that the whole purpose was to make HONEY!
However, there is a revolution coming where people focus on what matters once again. That is FAMILY and relationships and the TRUE treasures of this life which are LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GENTLENESS, PERSEVERANCE, FAITHFULNESS and SELF-CONTROL. As the busy bees of life start to enter more into REST and enjoying LIFE instead of competing, striving and working endless hours for greed, we will see the price of Swarm City increase higher and higher and higher. So don't be a BUSY BEE, but pay attention to your QUEEN BEE, your wife, your children your family and relax/enjoy as the HONEY is made!

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