With regulated exchanges coming in Canada from Overstock and Bankto the future- what’s your favorite security token?

in crypto •  7 years ago 

With regulated exchanges coming in Canada from Overstock and Bankto the future- what’s your favorite security token?

Recently the CanadianSecurities Exchange sod it would offer regulated securities trading . We have all heard about overstocks regulars platform. Just today I noticed banktothefuture is holding an Ico for a regulated exchange.

basically regulated token exchanges are coming!

To date many security tokens have had a hard time being listed in big exchanges. Icn is a great example. You would think this token and its derivative tokens would be listed a lot more places

Advent of regulated security exchanges should be a huge increase in liquidity for security tokens

So if that’s true, many of them will double or triple! Which ones are most promising?

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Thanks for update friend.