Crypto & travel show Interview-Bojak Cates Kryptonia Project

in crypto •  6 years ago 

Today we discuss the ongoing development of the Kryptonia project, and some future development not fully announced yet. Consider join Kryptonia for free here;

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You are really try about this project and we are happy to see this improvement you making

Thank you @bodymaual we really appreciate your support.

Thanks for sharing via interview insight on what is happening with Kryptonia and Superior Coin, nice interview @exploretraveler and @bojakcates

Thank you Joan and there is more to come :-)

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Thanks for the update on whats going on

The community is growing and that's the best thing that can ever happen to Kryptonia right now.... We are all hoping for a better tomorrow with this projecti

I really enjoy this post.

This post has received a 4.52 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @exploretraveler.

Great job! Upvoted from kryptonia with the same name

I watch this stuff on youtube.

Thanks for sharing

Great interview


Thank you @jos3lider we love this project.

Good job you do always, more fulfilment comes your way in this part sir.

Great Work Guys Really Appreciate Your Effort From Kryptonia @orakzai

great job guys

Excelente todas sus iniciativas, los Felicito

@rocaxel ID Kryptonia

Well work brother.

Hopefully i know with kryptonia something better is ahead of us all thanks for sharing this and letting us know what's going on

Sir. I love these project and the work you putting into it... We are with you all the way. Gracias👏

Great stuff and keep up the good work

Thank you for sharing great information!

Very good job, Kryptonia ID Mariale

Wow thank you for sharing this interview about Kryptonia project . :) Keep up the good work .
Greetings from @anne0130 kryptonia

Awesome interview @bojakcates great information @exploretraveler. Really appreciate your interview initiative.

Thank you for sharing the inputs on what is going on in the project.

Good Job!! Kryptonia @psi.acastillo

Thanks @psi.acastillo it's great to have you here.

What a great exploit you re doing for the development of kryptonia, am specially grateful for all your kind effort. Thanks

So many interviews these days. nice job.

Excelente información, kryptonia @Reyos69

This is really interesting, upvoted and resteem, id @grace234

Keep it up am talking about your wonderful work. krypto id @chetachi26

Very high quality content you have going here... And really helps me to understand more about this big wide crypto-world we are living in! Via Kryptonia by @daytondoes

nice interview.

Great post

I love this project !!!

upvoted and resteem. Kryptonia @jamescrusader

Thank you @jamescrusader

Great news thank you for sharing

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Let's start this season with a great first special guest. Really enjoy the talk and want to say thanx for give special greetings to all the dev & community team. GO SUP !! @exploretraveler @bojakcates

amazing interview.

Good job with the traveler website.

Nice interview, upvoted and reesteemed

Great interview post. Thanks for this open conversation.

Upvoted and Resteem You From Kryptonia Id @michealclauri

Free Resteem , Follow and Vote For Everyone Click Here
Just Follow The Rules 😇 Thank You!

upvoted and resteemed guys, god job.

Kryptonia ID: @armandofd

With the steps you're taking I believe Kryptonia is getting a larger fanbase who do not only read about it but support the movement

Glad to see good news about @kryptonia and very glad I'm there :)

Always something new with you. Well done!

From @kryptonia

Upvoted Kryptonia @richard78624

Kryptonia is a great project i am glad to found it. Kryptonia id @mejia_martinez

Realmente suena bastante interesante el proyecto. Le deseo el mayor de los éxitos.
Kryptonia ID: @edward_stobia

Great interview and thank you for sharing about this. I hope that Kryptonia project will soar high in future . We are looking forward to more improvements and waiting for more updates. ^_^ @joancabz kryptonia