in crypto •  6 years ago 


Large corporations are increasingly looking for better and more efficient ways to reach users through marketing campaigns. These campaigns usually have a certain study that estimates certain results, but sometimes they fail, or do not reach their goal for different reasons.

Patrón is in charge of helping companies or organizations find the best means to reach their desired customers, through a new marketing method which is focused on improving the results of these campaigns.

Through the use of "INFLUENCERS" Patron manages that companies can direct their campaigns to an appropriate public, which responds to the profiles of a possible buyer or client.

What are the INFLUNCERS?

Influencers are people who manage to obtain a certain degree of reputation in different social networks such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twetter, ETC ... These influencers manage to move masses and groups of people through simple comments or opinions.

They are usually content creators, to which their followers give support. These little celebrities are sponsored by companies to which they advertise in exchange for certain remuneration.

Benefits of connecting "influencers" with companies?

The benefits of such contact are both for the company and for the "influencers" themselves

Patron offers the hypothetical creation of a bridge between 2 groups of people with common interests, thus allowing greater opportunities for growth to both parties.

In addition to a more direct and objective communication, connecting these two groups generates benefits even for the final consumers, who are the public. Public interested in the product or service of the sponsoring company.

How do "influencers" benefit from using Patron?

When using Patron the "influencers" have greater business opportunities and sponsorship, without counting the fact that they will be liked by their followers.

You will also be offered different types of contracts, for this reason Patron is a great help for this group.

How do companies benefit from using Patron?

The companies will have targeted demographic access, this means that your product or service will be directed to interested people, allowing a better result in the marketing campaign

Patron offers a study of the influencers to which the company can choose, measuring and calculating three points of vital importance for the company.

How does Patron allow targeted demographic access and why is this important?

Targeted demographic access allows to reach potential customers in an easier way ... Let's put an example: If a company wants to sell kitchen items, look for a certain "INFLUENCER" that is dedicated to upload content that has to do with cooking or food, this implies that his followers are in the area of ​​food and are potential customers, increasing the effectiveness of the marketing campaign of the company.

Are you an influencer? Could you benefit from the use of the Patron platform?

The fact of creating content for a public makes me "influencer" but of course, I'm a small one. If you had a large number of followers in steemit you could use Patron to get monetary support through sponsorships, the possible benefits are many.


As I mentioned before, let's say that a restaurant or food chain wants to get publicity through some "influencer" for it, they look for a user in Patron who specializes in being a gastronomic critic and mention this company to get publicity.

This is one of the many uses that can be given to Patron, I hope this post has been to your liking.

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