John McAfee says he knows who Satoshi is...

in crypto •  5 years ago  (edited)

John McAfee says he knows who Satoshi is and it's time for him to stand up or McAfee will out him...

McAfee took to Twitter today to reveal that he knows the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.

In a tweet he said this:

"I protected the identity of Satoshi. It's time, though, that this be put to bed. Imposters claim to be him, we are spending time and energy in search of him - It's a waste. Every day I will narrow down the identity of Satoshi until he reveals himself, or I reveal him."


McAfee claims to know the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and says he will narrow it down until the person or persons identify themselves.


How does he know who Satoshi really is?

Well, according to John, it has to do with his hacking skills...

In a tweet he revealed:

"Yes, I drink, use drugs, chase women, run from the law - which I have done since I was 19. But it does not obviate the fact that I created a great company whose focus was stopping hackers. I had to know hacking. I am still John Fucking McAfee."


Ok, so he was supposedly able to figure out who Satoshi was by his computer hacking skills...

Plausible, but not likely.

So, who is Satoshi exactly?

McAfee reveals exactly who he is not...

According to McAfee, he's not the CIA or a government organization.

"The "Who is Satoshi?" Mystery must end! First: It is NOT the CIA nor any agency of any world government. It IS a collection of people, but the white paper was written by one man, who currently resides in the US. If he does not come forward these narrowings will continue."


According to McAfee, it's a collection of people...


The plot thickens.

Stay informed my friends.


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Perhaps McCoffee is Keyser Söze?

Yep, perhaps he is.

Maybe he does know...he has certainly been in that circle. Or maybe he only thinks he knows. Or maybe he's just blustering.

I personally am kinda torn between thinking it's Hal Finney, or possibly actually Dorian Nakamoto. They both lived close to eachother, they could have actually worked together and both be Satoshi. Or there could be someone else that we don't even know about.

Hell, we could have no clue. There's a huge chance that whoever actually created it has completely avoided the limelight. People that don't like the public eye avoid it. It could be someone that's nowhere in the public space that none of us have every heard of. And they could be in another country now, or in a small house in the middle of the suburbs, not touching the bitcoin because they have no reason to, as they have more than enough to live on.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I lean towards it being Dave Kleiman because it's hard for me to fathom someone still alive not touching that wallet all this time. Even when billions were sitting in there. Plus Craig Wright seems to know some things only those at the very beginning would know, but he can't access that wallet, which means it's not him. Though he likely might have been part of the original group that included Kleiman.

Well, that's assuming anyone has access to the accounts people know about. No matter who it was, they could have lost access years ago. Tons of people have lost access to their bitcoin wallets over the years.

The writing style matched Hal Finney though, so I think he was involved with writing the white paper, whether or not he was Satoshi. Since he's now dead though, the keys are either lost, or held by a trust.

Perhaps one day the accounts will be accessed and have some bitcoin sold and then we'll all freak out and wonder...and we still might not know.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Yes that is very possible, though with the amount of bitcoins in there and the know-how that the original creators possessed when it comes to all things crypto, one could assume that the owner of those keys is more likely to be dead than those keys being "lost". At least that is the narrative that fits the most amount of facts to me. Though, anything is possible. Heck they could have burned the keys on purpose, though if that was the plan why not cap the total at 20 million instead of 21 million to start with?!

Technological know-how doesn't preclude loss of data. I don't even know how many hard drives have failed on me over the years...including backups...and backups of backups. Of course, if you have that much bitcoin, you can certainly always buy another hard drive or tape or whatever to backup your backups.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

My point being that much of the lost bitcoin was due to carelessness as well as people not really knowing what they were doing or taking the proper precautions. One might assume the original creators would know what they need to do to not lose their coins...

Yeah. But even Elon Musk reportedly lost his keys to his bitcoin...and some people for some reason think he could be Satoshi...dunno why...

My point was just that shit happens. Over years, you can possibly lose your keys, even with an abundance of caution.

Of course you could, but if I were to put my money on it, I would bet they didn't "lose" the keys to that wallet...

It is actually quite easy to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

The problem is, that would you consider Satoshi an individual or a group? Is knowing the people behind/with Satoshi as important as knowing who Satoshi is?

All you had to do is be there, when all these papers were flying about. All the pieces are scattered about, all you have to do is assemble the puzzle.

I feel that McAfee is feeling his age, and knowing the age of Satoshi, he is trying to prod him into making public before kicking the bucket.

Who do you think it is? Or, what individuals do think it is?

Sorry, i am unwilling to do anything but point to the crumb trail.
McAfee is playing a game, and i don't want to shoot it down.

Lol, so you think you know who he is going to say? Dave Kleiman and Craig Wright (among others)?

I feel i have a fairly good idea of who is in the group.
... but i have no idea what McAfee is going to say.

It could all be a play to put up a front-person.

Hell, it could be that McAfee has a gun to his head, and the Federal EndTable of Intimidation are saying, get him to expose himself or else.

And i am very aware that i could be completely wrong.
Such as, did you know that SDSU developed what basically was HTML and a browser... and then did nothing with it?

I have a feeling McAfee is mainly doing this to keep himself in the headlines...

isn't it just a marketing/pr stunt>? Seems to make headlines

i don't know. McAfee is a loose canon.
Whenever he is interviewed he always drops huge truth bombs.
But, whether that is for publicity or truth, one can only speculate.

Whatever side he may be on, McAfee knows his stuff.

Well ... McAffee knows everything he thinks... i think :D

Haha yep, he certainly thinks he does. Interesting to see how he gets out of this one. No chance he actually know who it is.

But i am curious to see what he will come up with

Me too.

I hope we never find out.

I agree. I hope it is who I think it is and the keys to that wallet are lost forever...

Don't underestimate old men, hehehe
He also said it's definitely not CW, so I think in the near future we'll hear more..
I really would like to be able to read thoughts, especially what CW thought after McAffee's statement he knows the identify of Satoshi.. 🤣😅😋
Have a great day

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Hopefully he was sweating in his boots!


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That guy makes enemies with just about everyone in crypto.

Yep, he's what I would call a toxic person

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I have seen a few like that in my die...

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

4,740 .404 .965

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

5,408 .360 .940

He knows but wont tell us :)))

Very possible that is what he ends up saying.

What a character this McAfee! At least it provides entertainment as we watch the markets move. I think his influence is slowly going away.

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It is for sure. That may be why he is doing this... trying to stay relevant.

can't wait 😂

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I doubt he will actually be able to do it.

will we ever know?

In short, hopefully not! I don't think it would be good for bitcoin at all if the creator stepped forward, especially if he still had access to that wallet. Most have counted those coins as lost forever at this point.

i think many others feel the same, would sure be interesting to watch unfold

Yep, though I think if McAfee actually knew, he would have said something long before now.

Wouldnt that be a reveal... But they do say never meet your heroes.

Thats beside the point though, im pretty sure McAfee doesnt know anything.

I agree. I think he is just trying to keep his name in the headlines. Especially with his presidential bid coming up.

Of course he does haha

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But he will end up not telling us.