Update on my crypto experinent

in crypto •  7 years ago 

It's been a few weeks since i posted. As many of you know, I have been doing an experiment with testing the validity of various cryptos and online services.

Pros = easy to use once you are verified. I made a fast 50% on $377 sent some back to my bank as a test and sent the rest to genesis mining.
Cons = worst customer service i have ever seen. Very high fees.

Jaxx = so far no issues and has been easy to use and low fees.
Cons = not all cryptos are on this, but i take that to mean that a rookie like me is not sophysticated enough to dive into those yet.

Genesis mining
Pros = i am getting my daily payouts and the math adds up, but i am curious to see how long until my contracts are no longer profitable. I am currently reinvesting half of my payouts into upgrades and sending the rest to my other wallet.
Cons = they have had some hiccups, but i am hoping that's all in the past.

Bitconnect = i was going to try this, but when i do the math i just cant shake the feeling that this is a scam.

So the long and short is even with the drop in value in btc/eth/ltc i am still in the green and getting over $300/month from genesis mining.

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Do you remember when in 2015, people still thought that bitcoins were worthless?

Even with the current developments, I think we're only seeing the beginning. What an exciting time to be alive and have front seats at the show!