Cryptocurrenies daily status: 16.03.2018.

in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

daily price mecurator.png

05.33 AM (GMT)

STEEM/USD: 2.05.
SBD/USD: 2.23.
BTC/USD: 8237.5
ETH/USD: 609.38
XRP/USD: 0.69064.
LTC/USD: 163.53.
NCASH/BTC: 0.00000409.
BCH/USD: 924.73.
PAC/USD: 0.010500.
ADA/USD: 0.17898.
TRX/USD: 0.030200.
XRP/BTC: 0.0000839.
BTC/EUT: 6677.0
XPR/EUR: 0.56390
NCASH/USD: 0.033427.
XLM/USD: 0.23500.
LTC/BTC: 0.019830.
PAC/BTC: 0.00000001
ETN/BTC: 0.00000426.
DOGE/USD: 0.003572.
ETH/EUR: 495.92
ETN/USD: 0.035000
ETC/USD: 18.030.
IOT/USD: 1.08400.
BNB/BTC: 0.001089.

Market trend of some important crypto currencies:

BTC/USD: Strong bearish.
ETH/USD: Strong bearish.
LTC/USD: Strong bearish.
DOGE/USD: Strong bearish.
BCH/USD: Stong bearish.

Note: Market trend calculated with daily time frame and expectations are based on various technical indicators and moving averages.
Above information is only my personal view and friendly sharing. Not for any commercial purpose.

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not at all for any commercial purpose.