in crypto •  4 years ago 

If you pay attention to the crypto market you will see projects that stand the test of time. Another indicator is less volatility in their price movements. Those are two indicators that I have come to recognize over the years. Personally I am very particular about which projects I invest in. The first question I ask is do they have an actual product.

When you deep dive into projects in crypto space you will find many projects that have nothing more than hopes and dreams. Even so I have learned not to completely dismiss those projects. I have seen mergers and established projects showing an interest in using the platform of some projects that are aimed literally at selling hopes and dreams to individual developers. Why does that matter? In most cases an individual can only accomplish so much. A group or business on the other had can often accomplish much more and better.

Another aspect that I take into consideration is real world usability. Many projects have some really good ideas. Those ideas just don't stand up to the ability to become sustainable projects for real world use.

Partnerships, most of us have heard the saying it is not what you know it is who you know. That is a main factor that I consider. Something that you have to look out for are misleading connections. I may use Windows and Microsoft Office. That doesn't make us partners though. You have to do your homework there too. There have been cases where large well known corporations have caught wind of these claims and forced projects to recant their false associations. This is one part of investigating that can be difficult. When successful companies are already successful they don't need to boast about every little venture that they make. I am going to close todays post with something you can look into for yourself. Samsung contracts with a crypto platform to build the crypto wallet that ships preinstalled on Samsung phones. Here is a hint, the crypto platform doesn't specialize in building crypto wallets. They are one of the most well known platforms for dapp gaming.

Check ProspectorP on twitter to find the correct answer.

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