The Dollar is on it's way out. The question is how fast will it go? That money has a lot going against it, for one, the fear that it is going to become worthless, using it as international currency is causing countries to lose independence when the US impose sanctions and so many nations including the E U want to recover their independence by abondoning the Dollar.
China is not going to allow the U S to continue to have the power and advantages they get from the use of their money as international currency. China is fastly becoming the world number one economy and the U S is losing importance.
U S private and public sector debts are unsustainable and without being able to continue spending barrowed money the economy will fall drastically and the Dollar lose value and importance. With China, Europe and many more major economies already leaving the Dollar, it is already done and is now only a deception achieved by skillful tactics.
Africa plans to have a single currency by 2023 which will mean another blow to the Dollar but it will probably not last that long any way. The problem of the Dollar is now, although it's backers are masters of denial.
A lot of people will get burned when their timing of exiting the Dollar fail them. A lot of people still make money playing the Dollar and some still trust in it's questionable safity but any unforeseen sudden drastic movement in the financial tectonic plates could spell disaster for those holding Dollars.
Can one manage a time frame for Dollar collops?
If you know how to monitor the measures being used to defy the collapse that should have already taken place to see how long they can hold, you can monitor the danger.
If you are able to monitor the forces moving against the Dollar, you can know the possibilities of impact within a given time.
You can also analyze limited options if current strategies are overwhelmed by the counter forces.
The way I see it, it is very bad. I don't play chess, so I will do poker: the backer has a trash hand, his opponent(s) has an unbeatable hand, so it is down to who has more money to bet or raise.
If the backer has more money than his opponent, he can bluff and raise him to have to fold, but if his opponent has the winning hand and more money than him to see him, or raise him back, bluffing and raising will not work.
The only option left to not lose is to play the
bad car, draw the gun.
If the backer chose to play the bad card, and the opponent respond in kind, then the investors would be forced to monitor, analyze and calculate the outcome of the shootout.
Another Bratton Woods doesn't seem possible because the first stage of the New World Order took place when the G20 replaced the G7-8.
The Bad Card has been played, the shootout is in progress even as the cards are being manipulated.
This is what investors now have to monitor, analyze and forecast to predict the outcome, otherwise they will have to find a good propet who has seen it.
Is there a likelihood that The U S, Canada and Mexico form an economic and monetary union?
I am not an expert on these things, just a layman and am not researching nor analyzing any data on them, just from what is commonly kniwn.
The financial situation of the United State is too frightening at the moment for such a union to be attractive to the neighbiours of the U S. Why would they risk trapping themselves into such hyperinflation that seems imminent on their neighbour tha5 is too big to save? Besides the calamity could àrrive in the U S before there is even the initiation of talks on any such thing.