Watching the folly of Crypto All Stars and it's closure by someone just plain fed up with crypto being just a game of profiting hero worship is just kind of sad.
Granted Litecoin has had nothing but great news as of late and bitcoin the same watching them get dragged down by a game gone bust is one thing but after reading the article linked here it became obvious that the all stars of Ethereum , the utopians, and litecoin were promoting the game because if people bought their ALLSTAR CARD they could get $$ like a royalty, was kind of sickening.
Reading crybaby predictions of total possible collapse of the crypto world the other day notwithstanding.
Reading the rantings of a spoiled utopian threatening to pick up his ball and leave the playground if we, the little people, did not follow his vision. BLAH: Sorry I am thankful that there are folks smart like this kid but his vision of enacting positive change for society and mine , or anyone else who has actually worked for a living may not be the same.
And even if it is, who is he to decide in a decentralized economy to use his billions to blackmail or extort the rest of us to his will? I already have one saviour.
The owner redirected the all star website after buying it up for 30k and has even gone so far as to make sure folks who got duped into this are getting money back ( not sure how many but you can read the website information he posted
they note on the site how it was supposed to work, once you read this you will see how easy it would be to get the HERO CRYPTO folks to be indirectly bribed into positive feedback..
"The juice is that every purchase gives 4% to the owner of the Twitter account! This means that if YOU get your name added, you can earn when someone buys your card, and you don't even need a referral url! It's quite nice to earn, isn't it?
The concept of the "game" is quite simple. The owners of the site start by listing a few big names on twitter as collectible cards. The first one's who get to buy it at a super lower price boost the price by roughly 50%. This means if you bought the FaucetHUB.IO card at 0.001 ETH, someone can only buy it off you for 0.002 ETH. When you sell the card, there's an 8% fee of which 4% goes to the owner of the site, and the other 4% goes to the owner of the twitter account (regardless of whether you own your own card or not)."