“Isolation Crypto! (New Rare Digital Collectibles)” by Richard F. Yates

in cryptoart •  5 years ago 

Since the “CHILLIN’ AT HOME” has become a popular activity, I’ve had a bit of time to work on art. Thus, I present you with these TWO new crypto art works, tokenized on the Ethereum blockchain by the fine folks at MakersPlace. As per usual, these works are being release as single, unique editions of ONE with no reprints. First come, first served, and when they’re gone, they’re GONE…

To check out these, and over 50 OTHER works of crypto-artitude, visit my MakersPlace store / slash / gallery! It’s just dripping with idiosyncratic weirdness!!! Meanwhile, smaller, low-rez versions of the art can be found below along with the “explanations” for each piece.


“Stick Dog”
stick dog 18 mar. 2020 by rfy  peg.jpg

Sometimes, you gotta be careful with your own creations. Here, I'd just BARELY finished drawing this little stick dog when the shithead tried to BITE me! I rolled up a newspaper and tapped him on the nose, but he just chewed the newspaper to pieces as soon as I went to use the bathroom.

Like I said---you gotta be careful. Art can be dangerous...

[P.S. - Ink on notebook paper with digital embellishments and color. I had to do a lot of digital work to get the blood stains off the paper!]


“Bee Bug”
bug bee 18 mar. 2020 by rfy  peg.jpg

[Digital drawing over photo of a large flower-bush-tree thing I took a snap of on a walk today. Mariah (aka "The Wife") came up with the name for this piece---although she didn't notice the flying saucer until I mentioned it to her!!!]

Yeah, it was pretty nice outside today, plus, with the schools closed, my older daughter hasn't been working, (she is a para-educator,) so I haven't been babysitting my granddaughter. Therefore, Mariah and I walked over to visit the baby (and her parents, a bit), but on the way I spotted a gigantic, two story high, flower-bush-tree thing, with splashy, blood-red blossoms. I snapped a few photos.

Later, after visiting the grandkid for a bit, we returned home, and I noticed while cropping this image that I'd captured not just a gigantic bee bug in the photo, but a VISITOR craft, as well! (How lucky could I get???) So---there you go. Finally, PROOF!!! (That the bees aren't all dead. You're welcome...)


So that’s today’s new art bits! Again, to see all of my crypto artwork, click on over to my MakersPlace store / gallery and give it a gander, and don’t forget to read the “stories” with each one! I try to say something funny or weird or silly or interesting about each of my pieces. (I might not always succeed, but I sure as heck TRY!)

Okay folks, now go draw your own little picture, or read a book, or listen to some tunes, and then let me know what you’ve drawn, read, or listened to! I’m always interested in new stuff!!!


---Richard F. Yates
(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)



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