πŸ“£ WARNING WARNING WARNING πŸ‘ Do Not Move Crypto Celebrities off site 🚫 You will lose them !

in cryptocelebrities β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

πŸŒ‹ I see many have moved their CryptoCelebrities off site. They will not be repatriated and you will lose access to https://cryptocelebrities.co/marketplace/ 😠

I got real curious about seeing the Same Celebs advertised for sale on both sites

Jeniffer lopez.jpg

🌊 How could this be? Did cryptocelebrities.co just make another copy and now they will profit from the sale yet again?

😈That is exactly is what has happened so be Warned, do not do it !!!!!!

Read their terms of service - https://cryptocelebrities.co/terms-of-service/

Spread the word now! before more people loose their investment !

I'm staying away from all these game from now on.

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What a great deal for the creators. People take it off site and instantly get to create a new one and resell it. Instant free profits.

I feel like a fool for blogging about now. But something was bothering me about the centralized nature of them. Thankfully I usually put a warning caveat in most blogs.

Lets face it all of this is a gamble. Plus if people had bought early and then dumped them they could of made a profit.

Lots of people have made a bunch of coin and it's still going strong, the Official launch is the 31st. So this is just pre-launch activity.

To me it's pure insanity, but if people like to gamble like this good for them. It's a massive game of hot potato or musical chairs, just don't be the one caught holding at the end.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thanks for informing us about this. That cryptocelebrities and crypto kietties thing is insane. People are mad about these things and it's pretty cool - it makes cryptocurrencies more recognizable... However these things also cause Ethereum network to be laggy. Is it some sort of sacrifice? :D