
in cryptocurrencies •  8 years ago 


Extremely undervalued and overlooked crypto.

Why is Waves overlooked?

Lots of people do not know about Waves. A major reason for this is because it is not listed on many of the popular exchanges. No Polo, no Kraken, no Bitfinex. Why though?… Many people speculate why Waves has not been listed on these exchanges even though it has been in the top 20 on CMC for a long time and recently in the top 10. My rational behind this is because one of the main features of the Waves Platform is the Decentralized Exchange (DEX). Which is up working and has very good volume for a new exchange. Currently ranked 48 (at the time of writing) out of all 833 exchanges listed on CMC. The Waves DEX is a direct competitor to these centralized exchanges so it makes sense that they don’t want to promote its use. Waves is the only coin in the top 20 not listed on Polo even though it has more developed Tech then most of the top crypto combined and sees very good volume on Bittrex. Take from that what you want.

So whats so good about Waves?

Well I’ve already mentioned the Waves DEX. Everybody is loosing faith in centralized exchanges. Why should we trust a single entity with our precious crypto. The whole point of Bitcoin was to remove this type of centralization. One way or another Decentralized Exchanges are the future of crypto trading.

Their unique Matching system also lets you setup trades for ANY pair you want! No need to swap for Bitcoin and back and fourth again. You can trade any crypto directly for any other crypto on the Waves Blockchain right within the Wave wallet.

Waves DEX is also going through a major GUI upgrade expected to be launched in the next 6 weeks. The below is a design mock but expect something similar to this….

So what else?…

Solid ICO’s

Someone already mentioned Stratis. Yes Stratis are doing great thing behind the scenes… but MaidSafe have been doing great things behind the scenes for 10 years and what do they have to show for it?…. Stratis have yet to prove that they can deliver on their plans. Waves has already had the success of multiple BIG ICOs launched on its platform with many many more already in the works!

MobileGO, Incent, EncryptoTel, ZrCoin, Tokes, Darcrus, PrimalBase, Starta, CryptoPing

Want to launch your own ICO the Waves team could even help you with this via their ICO Hub Startup Contests (ICOHUB)


Waves utilizes the unique Leased Proof of Stake system. Which allows you to safely and securely “lease” your waves to nodes in return earning fees from processed transactions. This is like mining but without the need to run your computer or maintain any kind of node! You lease (any amount even 1 single Wave) then you can just turn off your computer and let the fees collect in your wallet.

This also mean A LOT of Waves are being taken off the “market” with around 50% of all Waves currently being leased and only about 1% of the total supply available to buy on Bittrex.

Additionally as Waves lets you pay your transaction fees in any crypto supported by the Waves platform and accepted by Node operators in the future you will be able to earn fees in all types of crypto that gets brought onto the Waves blockchain quite likely including the likes of Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Dash Etc etc.

2 Click Token Creation

Create your own crypto token in seconds for the cost of 1 single Wave. This token could represent anything you like and is immediately tradeable within the Waves DEX. No more hiring developers to create your coin, no more begging exchanges to list your coin or paying listing fees.

Air Drops

Currently at the moment the Waves team distribute 1,000,000 WCT to Waves holders every month. At current pricing that’s worth about $3 million! Every single month! I have also received numerous other air drops including…. WavesGo, Ripto Bux, Mercury, Bitcoin (yes I have received free Bitcoin just for holding WCT!) plus loads more.

Future Plans

Waves also have massive plans in the works. They have delivered time and time again on promises of developing new tech. Some of the upcoming features will take Waves to the next level!

Bitcoin-NG Scalability, State Storage Optimization, Smart Contracts, Multi Sig, Anonymous transactions…. and these are just the main headlines!

Road to Waves 1.0 – Waves Platform

Russian Government Involvement

Sasha recently presented at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Attended by name high powered big name government officials including Vladimir Putin, who apparently kept his officials up until 1am talking Blockchain. Russian political party Partiya Rostiya already launched their Upcoin project. Putin is obviously very excited about Blockchain and who do you think will be his “go to” blockchain? Singapore based Ethereum… or Waves who are based within walking distance of the Kremlin?

Russia are making huge moves to support Blockchain and Blockchain Startups.

Boris Titov

Boris Titov is a Russian business ombudsman and billionaire politician. Who recently presented to Putin the annual report for Entrepreneurs’ Rights.

Boris is an avid supported of the Waves Platform and has made his feeling clear that himself and other members of government are behind Waves.

Sasha Ivanov and Boris have signed an agreement to establish a new ICO incubator entitled ‘People of Growth’ on the Waves Blockchain

Russian billionaire announces business incubator on Waves platform


TOKENOMICA, will be the first investment bank which is going to work on top of the Waves blockchain, and provide 100% compliant legal framework for different types of token crowdsales, including private equity crowdsales.


To be honest… I know there is stuff I have missed or not mentioned! There is simply too much stuff going on with Waves its so hard to keep up! All of the developments are really pushing Waves into a great position to be the go-to blockchain for new projects. It is a completely holistic eco-system which will encompass the best bits from other chains as well as having many completely unique features.

In my opinion Waves is the most undervalued crypto you could buy right now. Not many people are sitting up and taking notices… the big exchanges are trying to sweep Waves under the rug. It wont be long until Waves v1.0 is ready and people will realize how far Waves has come and everything it has to offer. By then you will kick yourself for not buying now! The Waves team are not pushing marketing right now. They know their is still work to be done. They don’t sell dreams… they ninja release and then let the fans come to them. No promises of grandeur here. Just straight up delivery by a dedicated team lead buy a passionate and hard working CEO.

The team are also very active on Slack and Telegram with Sasha having his own channel which he responds to questions pretty regularly. This is so amazing to see after being within crypto communities whos leaders you barely hear from. The whole Waves community is great full of avid supporters and not traders looking for a quick buck. There are many ongoing community based project including but not limited to those being worked on by The Waves Network Hub, Oceanlab and Ripto Bux

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Yes waves indeed has the potential to be a game changer

This is a great article, do you have updates?

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