Batten down the hatches, a storm is coming

in cryptocurrencies •  8 years ago 

I am starting to feel sorry for the masses who have not participated in crypto currencies. One of the largest financial storms that has ever hit mankind is coming. The storm clouds have been building for decades. 2008 was the beginning of the end for the World's reserve currency, the U.S. Dollar. If you are reading this blog, you already know the economy and the stock market is nothing but smoke and mirrors. I wrote about this a month ago in this article

There is no way out of the 4 Quadrillion ( 4,000,000,000,000,000 : four thousand trillion counting all of the global derivatives) of global debt. It is mathematically impossible. This global FIAT monetary system is past being on life support. The only hope for mankind, financially, is the adoption of the public ledger blockchain and crypto currencies!

Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are the only solution we have. It literally is a financial life preserver.

People who are slow or asleep at the switch to learn and adopt crypto currencies are doomed to poverty and financial disaster. Here is an example of a behind the scenes Geo Political move that underscores the serious condition the global economy is in.

For a brief review, let us go back to January 16th 2013. The following quote comes from Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge "On January 16, 2013, the Bundesbank - one of the biggest gold holder in the world, with 3,378 tonnes - shocked the world: out of the blue, the German central bank announced that by December 31, 2020, it intends to store half of Germany’s gold reserves in its own vaults in Frankfurt, The plan would mean repatriating a total of 674 tonnes of gold, 300 from the New York Fed's gold vault, and another 374 from the Bank of France." The reason for this move for Germany to get it's Gold back was to provide audit proof of Germany's true stored national wealth. Germany had planned to get all of it's Gold back by January 2021.

Fast forward to August 23rd (last week) and SURPRISE, Germany has all of it's gold back 3 YEARS EARLIER than scheduled. The feathers are going to hit the fan very soon and Germany could not wait until 2021 to get it's gold. In another twist of irony is the resent visit of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to the United States Fort Knox. “The last time anybody went in to see the gold, other than the Fort Knox people, was in 1974 when there was a congressional visit. And the last time it was counted was actually in 1953” according to Zero Hedge. Yes, Mnuchin was the first Treasury Secretary to visit Fort Knox in over 70 years. Why now? Why visit and with no video verification or independent audit does he come out in less than an hour and announce nothing to see here, everything is fine, the gold is here safe and sound.

Something is fishy. Nations are jockeying in positions to prove how much sovereign wealth they have by means of gold holdings. The only reason for this is because a global economic crisis is approaching. Faith in the current monetary system is soon going to be shaken to the core. For nations to continue international settlements between each other, only gold will be excepted. The days of transferring worthless paper or paper digital digits back and forth is soon coming to an end. No one will except another country's fiat currency anymore. It will become put up or shut up by using gold.

What about the rest of us global citizens? Will we still transact commerce using worthless paper fiat currencies? It is highly unlikely. The entire global's trust in paper money will be lost overnight. Thus comes the usage of crypto currencies. This new blockchain technology can not be corrupted. Governments and Central Banks do not control Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, ZCash, Dash and many more. These are decentralized and can not be printed into oblivion. The global population may want to put down their can of Bud Light and stop watching TV long enough to learn and adopt crypto currencies. If not, than they can look forward to facing the storm pictured above with no more protection than wearing a swimming suit and a pair of swim goggles.

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I hit you with 100 bro, this was an excellent read and 100% on point.

Great thank you very much. You are very kind!

In fiat land money is created by debt or printed by force and required to buy oil, ie petrodollar deal setup by Kissinger. Since then USA has protected this.

By force the powers that be can steal all the dig coins. This is the plan of nwo globalists to demoralize societies then overthrow them. Then they will tell you what you may use to trade with and what biometrics are used to identify yourself. NWO plans go far beyond currency. However it appears russia, china, and iran reject the western banking cabal and so are obstacles. The inability to pay interest out of money supply will just be dealt with until it all goes away. "It" meaning worldwide freedom.

You think blockchains are immune from tampering so thats all you need. But imagine if every machine of interest is comprimised no matter what software is running. They can block transactions or steal keys until trust is lost by users. Cyber war is real.

Very true. I will not tolerate the NWO plans. I am and will die to fight it. I am the 3% resistance

HI! I want to motivate you to post the steemit! I sent you some SBD in your wallet!

Thank You, you are very kind

I don't know that I agree with you but thanks for the interesting read. I hope you are wrong, but if you're not, I hope that the transition doesn't leave the older and more vulnerable financially screwed.

That is what I am worried about the most. I hope I am wrong as well. If I am not, half the population may not make it. Very sad and I am worried

Very well said, and not just crypto but Gold and especially silver.

Agreed. Thank you for reading and replying. I appreciate your input