The End of Cryptocurrency "Sovereignty?"

in cryptocurrencies •  8 years ago 

Former Chairman of Federal Reserve to Speak at Blockchain Conference ~ 

All of a sudden... "Helicopter" Ben is invited by Blockchain Conference sponsor Ripple to be its keynote speaker in October! Does anyone else see the irony and incongruity of this? I mean, this is BEN BERNANKE here! Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve? Designer of quantitative easing resulting in the destruction of lifetime savings of MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of retirees? That same Chairman who, along with the central banks of the EU and Japan as well as the International Monetary Fund, triggered the currency war that resulted in ALL major worldwide currencies spiraling out of control in a "race to the bottom?" 

... Inadvertently CAUSING the rise and popularity OF cryptocurriencies... THAT Ben Bernanke??? THE Bernank!!!

And sponsored by Ripple no less... The so-called "Banker's Coin." 

Article from The Cointelegraph follows:

"In an interesting turn of events, former chairman of the Federal Reserve in the USA Ben Bernanke, will be the keynote speaker at a Blockchain and banking conference in October hosted by Ripple. Bernanke represents another major player in the world of traditional money and investing who is now a champion of digital currencies. All’s Swell The three day event is being hosted by Ripple, a cryptocurrency that is actively trying to integrate and disrupt the banking model as it stands. Bernanke is an interesting call for the keynote speaker as  he has criticized cryptocurrencies in the past. He will also be  interviewed by another man in the know when it comes to economic and  monetary policies, Gene Sperling. Sperling is a former national economic adviser under Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. 

Change of heart

"In 2013, Bernanke wrote that virtual currencies “could have a long term promise”, and addressed his thoughts to congress. However, more recently in 2015, Bernanke also said that there were some “serious problems” with virtual currencies, including issues with anonymity and the lack of stability. 

Long line of converted

"Bernanke follows in a long line of converted  institutionalised money managers, economists and investors who are now  seeing the value in this new age currency. There have been players from traditional institutions as  big as Morgan Stanley who have dipped into the cryptocurrency market.  John Mack, who once served as Chief Executive Officer for Morgan Stanley  admitted that he had indeed been investing in digital currencies for years. However, there does seem to be two polar camps as some of  these traditional leaders in investment and money have shunned digital  currencies. Bernanke may be still a little confused, praising and  denouncing things like Bitcoin in different statement, but others, like  commodities whiz Dennis Gartman are having none of it. Gartman said  he does not understand Bitcoin, and for that reason alone he will not  be taking part in what he described as “A punter's dream”. "

Oh, and they're calling this the "All's Swell" three day conference. Sorta reminds me of the "Patriot Act" 

Meh! Yah, you can color ME wary ~ but I'd pay a Bitcoin to be there for listening to this! 

(If I HAD a Bitcoin - which I don't!)

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We don't need a Bankers Coin...
Be careful who you Follow...
We already have Pocket Change...

They can't fathom the idea of nodes, supernodes, syncing and transparency. Yet they are trying to make themselves look intelligent though we know that they are buffoons.

Engaging with cryptos is not exactly "user friendly" for the mainstream populous yet (all the better for us for now!) This is much like the "computer shock" and inevitable resistance people put up until the tides of technological advancement FORCE its use. And yes, those least knowledgeable tend to spout the most venom about its encroachment. Just imagine how horseback riders and carriages fought to keep steam and gas propelled vehicles off "their" roads! It's kinda comical really. We are witnesses to major upheavals!

You are right about a lot of things. But the present day financial system is not even user friendly. If it is then nobody will be sleeping on sidewalks and alley ways. The term user friendliness is a part of their mantra.

Very true. Better to self-educate oneself to break out of the matrix and help those who don't understand yet when you can. Knowledge IS power.

Yes. Knowledge is power. Central banking means you have no power only mountain of debt that they will put in their imaginary blockchain.

Yeah ~ that's what I'm afraid of too.

I don't know why they insist on telling the public through press release that they can build and maintain a private blockchain. Come on Bitcoin wasn't built overnight. Without the 25BTC reward system who will build the auditors/miners. Without the reward system who will build and maintain the nodes. And who will use it without Exchanges. Who will audit the mining pools. Bitcoin is a global network. No central server. It is the largest supercomputer in the world. How can the bankers compete with just their ability to hoard money. They cannot.

Good points.

Will Ripple pump in near future?

Good question. I tend to look at it in this perspective: Right now, Ripple's circulation is about 38 BILLION 343 MILLION 841 THOUSAND and 883 coins. It appears to be "designed" like a fiat currency. It's not mineable, and they can "create" as many coins as they like. The banking institutions have LIMITLESS amounts of fiat money to throw into this to pump its perceived value, but they can just as easily dump the holdings they have to take profits - at an investor's loss. Me? I don't trust it.

I wouldn't invest in it. If the banks are involved, it will always be to their advantage.

My concern exactly! There's gotta be a "catch" there somewheres! 😉

The state has a long history of attacking things that challenge its dominance.

It's what government does best.