RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

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Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in cryptocurrencies •  6 years ago 

Tribyoot / Tribyoots

Unfortunately it’s already taken:

Yes, I noticed the version without the "s" was.

And there’s at least two flaws

Fair points. Actually, I thought it was a bit of a long-shot, but I think it's best not to second-guess and edit what comes into my head.

Btw, most of the names we’re thinking of are not maximally appealing to Chinese for example.

Makes it tricky for most Westerners like me to anticipate what might appeal; so you and your household are probably in a better position to get a balance. And then there's the risk of attempting to suit everyone and ending up with something dull and corporate. But I don't think we'll do that!

But I think Realms would be better fit for the gaming (although still also like the name Immortal for gaming).

Actually, I'm veering more to Immortal now: I know I was less keen before. Part of that would be due to gamers' awareness that however real and exciting a rendering can seem, they are indestructable in that setting. Maybe that's why I used to enjoy driving real cars fast years ago; simulations just didn't cut it - but I digress.

It seems to be a horrible name for a video sharing site. Also doesn’t seem fit to music/audio either.


For the video site, the most compelling USPs and implications of decentralization would be “no ads”, “no censorship” and “more paradigms for content interaction” (e.g. marking up the video, video responses, live group chat, etc). We should try to think of a name for it that can rival Youtube.

Sure. Yeah. I had a look at those "inspiration" links. Oh, and noticed the "free, decentralised, federated" PeerTube in there, which I stumbled across before, and mentioned, a few months ago.

When I've come across before I liked the name, but couldn't put my finger on why. Maybe connected with an involuntary, excited reaction to something you've seen? More than one take I guess.

tipping gamification makes me think a token name such as funbits or juju might be more apropos.

Yeah, I think you're nearly there with funbits, but not quite. Something more dynamic than "fun"?

Anyway, getting late. Will leave it there for now and maybe come back and make additions.

Btw, I was looking back a few months upthread and rediscovered:

unbound - not tied up (old name idea of mine which others had rejected)

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