My Random Journey Into Crypto Investing/Trading - EPISODE #1

in cryptocurrencies •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi There fellow Steemit Family,
It's me again and it is time for the first episode of "my journey into Crypto Investing / Trading"!

If you've missed the introduction of this series, here is the link:

I'll try to be rather concise so that you don't get bored to death (that would be unfortunate..) but will also try to explain why I did what I did so that you can get a little glimpse of my mindset.


My first purchase of Bitcoin (a Big Moment!) happened the 6th of June.
Then I bought a second time, then a third, and once again for a total of 4 Deposits! (I can't get enough as you probably guessed!)

So here is the recap of my deposits:

_ Deposit #1: 0.075 BTC (6th of June)
_ Deposit #2: 0.10138567 BTC (7th of June)
_ Deposit #3: 0.11000614 BTC (11th of June)
_ Deposit #4: 0.12 BTC (20th of June)

TOTAL: 0.40639181 BTC


So what does my portfolio look like today? (22nd of June).
15 Days have passed since my first deposit and here is where I am Standing now:

Portfolio ValueSnapshot_220617.png

I have also transfered BTC to other exchanges such as Coinexchange to try my hands on smaller coins that are not listed on major platforms and that have huge volatility.

I have 0.15 BTC Right now there, but I've got to take off the 0.08 BTC position I have into $ECC Coins.
So that leaves me with 0.07 BTC More.

So let's do the math

Total = 0.55 + 0.07 = 0.62 BTC today the 22/06/2017.


Let's calculate the evolution together shall we?

We'll use the simple percent variation formula.

((0.62 - 0.40639181) / 0.40639181 )) * 100 = 52,56%


So here it is, my portfolio grew by 52% in 2 weeks.
This is quite a shocking number to me. I could have done a lot more I am sure, but also a lot less, so I'm very happy with the results so far.

#BTC in Accnt _ 220617.png

Don't get me wrong though, I don't expect this growth to be steady or even as high as 25%.
But I'm eager to see where it'll be by the end of the year.

Will it be way bigger? Just a little bit? Or will it go down to zero?

I can't say yet, but I'm excited as hell to see where this journey will lead me!

_ If you want to follow my adventure in the Crypto world, follow me and you'll stay updated when my new article is released.
_ If you have any question about my investments, or any question regarding this article or myself, please ask in the comments.
_ If you've spotted any typo/misspelled words please tell me so I can correct them.
_ Thanks for reading this far if you had the courage


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