What is Zenodys or how to create your own business by selling digital assets?

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

It’s not a secret for anyone that nowadays internet is one of the best places for making money. Words like Blockchain and Cryptocurrency firmly entered our lives. But most of people still think that it’s needed to have professional skills in programming or to have a great experience of working in IT to begin developing in this sphere. Even though thousands of experts and businessmen have understood all advantages of this technologies and trusted them, they are still associated with a big risk. But is it really so difficult as we think?

Zenodys tries to answer this question. It is the world's largest decentralised database of digital assets, created by the self-titled company located in Amsterdam. When we speak about digital assets we mean data, content, algorithms, code etc. Generally speaking this kind of asset is something digital that can be materialized and monetized.

This platform gives an ordinary user an opportunity to create, find and sell digital assets without any special knowledge. But platform’s creators also think about other participants of the project - developers and investors. A “smart contract” technology gives developers an opportunity of getting reward on each step of working on product. Platform also provides rewarding system for investors of the project.

The other important advantages of Zenodys are:
- User-friendly interface with lots of instruments necessary for creating digital assets;
- Access to digital assets. This paragraph is especially important because earlier it was a privilege of big
- Effective working process;
- Fair sharing of profits among developers;
- Already mentioned Blockchain technology;
- Built-in trading platform that greatly facilitates the process of buying and selling digital assets;
- And one more really important advantage is the opportunity of studying how to work with digital assets.

The beginning of creating Zenodys started in 2015 by the group of specialists of different spheres. Professional programmers, managers and businessmen have been working on this great project for more than 3 years and still continue developing it. Since June 1, 2018 started pre-sale of its token called CoinZZ and in July the public sale will be started . They plan to put into circulation 5 000 000 000 tokens. Each token will cost 0,01 USD.

In my opinion, great plans of Zenodys's creators fit their ambitions and, what is more important, carries out the idea mentioned in the beginning of this article: accessibility of Cryptocurrency business for ordinary users. I think the best example of it can be found on it’s website. While browsing it you can find a link which sounds “describe me like I'm 5 years old”. Click it and you get all the information about the project in simple words.

In the end I want to say that my attitude to Zenodys is exceptionally positive. Well-made interface, brilliantly organized plan of developing project, easily accessible and understood system and competent marketing leaves no chance for users to pass by. In the best way it’s shown by the support of such business giants as Alliander, Festo and RWE and that's only the most famous companies.

WEB SITE: https://zz.zenodys.com/
WHITE PAPER: https://zz.zenodys.com/zenodys-whitepaper.pdf
ZENODYS PROTOCOL: https://zz.zenodys.com/zenodys-protocol.pdf
KYC / AML: https://zenodys.com/documents/Zenodys-KYC-AML-CFT.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/zenodysico
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/zenodys/
TWITER: https://twitter.com/zenodys
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@zenodys

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