Pay in crypto for everyday goods?

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

Rejoice, crypto enthusiasts: the sun will shine on our yard too! In this case, the sun is none other than POS terminals for payment of goods and services using cryptocurrencies. Their manufacturer promises there will be up to 100,000 such devices throughout the world by 2021, and, judging by its words, they will be tested first on the residents of South Korea and China. This does not surprise me at all: most payments there are already made through cashless transactions - using plastic cards or mobile apps. In short, be open to new technologies and maybe you too will be able to pay with bitcoins for a croissant and cappuccino at your favorite café around the corner.

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In Germany we can buy pizza with Bitcoin, would wish more opportunities :)

Yeah, I would like to have opportunity to pay for all goods in crypto:)
BTW, we have some places who accept crypto in Russia too, check this: