KHUSHNUDA SHUKUROVA is the Director and Editor of the short narrative film Detained, which will be released on the 9th of November 2017 and is the first tokenised film to feature on the SingularDTV platform. I was fortunate enough to connect with Khushnuda and discuss her views and experience as an influential woman in a unique and rewarding space that blends creativity with crypto.
When and how did you get involved in crypto?
I learned about the world of crypto when I assisted as a camera person back in 2014. At that time I saw it as an opportunity for people who are into tech, not the arts. However, a year later I got another gig to film a series of interviews for SingularDTV at Consensus Conference here in New York. While filming the interviewees I learned a lot about the crypto world and its effect on everyone in any field. After the successful launch of SingularDTV I came on board as a Videographer and Video Editor. It is a fascinating world out there that I am still exploring, but what I like most about it is the possibilities it creates for artists, where one can directly reach his/her audience and not be afraid of making it through the month financially.
What are you working on right now, and what is your role?
I am working on a short narrative film called Detained. It is about two refugee siblings from Syria escaping war and trying to find a home in the U.S.A, only to be turned away by new legislation banning people from Syria from entering—presenting a reality that many lived only months ago. This short film will provide a challenging, refreshing, and much needed take within the film and blockchain industries that are usually dominated by men. I am launching the film at SingularDTV’s module application Tokit.
The film will be funded through a Token Generation Event which will be available to the public and followers starting on the 9th of November 2017. Those who buy in will then share a portion of the intellectual property rights to the film. It is going to be the first tokenized short film. This is something new and different and I am very excited to be part of this revolution. The internet is part of our lives, as is technology. So in my opinion, cryptocurrency is a child of the two. As for me, I am not too crypto savvy yet but I am open to the possibility it will bring.
How did you connect with SingularDTV?
I worked on several interview shoots for SingularDTV before I came on board, and I’ve continued to work with them after the company launch. The great part for me was I had creative freedom with the projects I was filming and editing, which is very challenging to find nowadays. SingularDTV has a decentralized mindset, something that is totally different from all the other media companies.
What do you see as the main barriers for women entering your field?
The main barrier I see is the lack of encouragement and support for women. When I was growing up I did not know of a woman director I could look up to. Now, there are so many aspiring women directors, and this makes me very happy and encourages me to pursue filmmaking; not to be afraid of its challenges.
What advice do you have for women entering the field?
I am pretty much new to the crypto world myself, and so far I am learning and discovering so many positive things. I advise women to not be afraid to learn. It is something different and different can always seem scary, but if we don’t challenge ourselves then we will never grow. Women should look at it as an opportunity, and believe me you are not alone in this. There is a huge crypto community out there and they are happy to help you to understand it better.
What does the future of crypto look like to you?
It is the future, in my opinion. I see crypto as something that will be commonplace in the future. We human beings always resist the new and different, yet we forget that we adjust really quickly too. Not long ago we would never have thought we would send mail digitally within seconds. We resisted the idea of it, but can you find anyone who doesn’t know how to use or send email now?
What are your favorite cryptocurrencies/tokens/projects?
I have to say Ethereum because it allowed companies like SingularDTV to be born. And of course my favorite one would be SNGLS tokens.
Where can we find more information about your project?
In this video I share some details about my experience, and if you subscribe to the SingularDTV newsletter (link below), you’ll receive more information about my short film:
Thank you to Khushnuda for sharing her experience with the Women in Crypto blog, and the team at SingularDTV for giving Khushnuda and I the opportunity to connect with each other.