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It's around 85% of my portfolio now
I'm a simple man, Rune gives update on Medium, I buy more :)

I am HODL mode and eagerly anticipating the crypto market to continue progressing in an upward trajectory. In the meantime, I make an effort to contribute toward Steemit on a daily basis dedicating a minimum of 4 hours per day. I am closing in on celebrating my second month on this platform and truly enjoying engaging with people from all over the world.

Your decision is also very good my friend. @senseicat

You would have some money if this wasn't happening...

There are other fish to fry,....

That guy is a drop in the bucket compared to the most favored accounts.

Ok, i didn't expected any upvote.
Thank you guys so much, i really appreciate it. :)

Now you can go buy some

My vote was 1 cents but that's all i have lol


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I've been buying a lot of Syscoin.

I am hoping that their Blockmarket service will be used like Ebay or Amazon so we can trade our coins for goods and services without ever having to convert BTC to fiat again.

So I am betting big on this one lol

ETC. I started accumulating at $24-$25. And today I bought what I could with some good ol Steem that was missing in space. The airdrop makes it a no brainer as far as I’m concerned.

@berniesanders, who said you need a high reputation on steemit to be successful? Steem On Dude!

I agree, i got some in the dip. Hoping to see some results in the long term

We saw some immediate results too!

some gooooood ones

Didn't buy today but am looking into smartcash, cardano and superior coin? Any thoughts? Did you buy today? I really want to start picking up some of the fractions of a penny or under a buck coins and just sit on em'. I think as this whole thing stirs and more of the herd come on board in time those will shine much brighter. I do love my LTC though.

I bought some ETC today because of the Hard fork coming up in the month of March.

I didn't buy today. Still waiting on my money to get into my coinbase account. I do hope they come up with a better platform that is faster and way less on fees that Coinbase. The fees are just plain too high. Waiting to by steem. More steem power.

I bought some CND , because I really like the movie and name thats how I buy all my cryptos

Actually I didn't buy today....still tryna study the market so I don't get to make mistakes I will regret later. Trying to be cautious .

What if you made over $50,000 on here for the week what would you buy?
Would you upgrade your Windows VISTA computer?
@Haejin didn't he's still running that chitty OS.

No, I didn't. I am too poor to buy right now.
Maybe some other times 😥🤕🤒

Do you invest your steemit profits into crypto?

Yes. I don't cash it out. I set 2018 as my investment year on steemit.

I withdrawn My Steem into DOGE at an exchange

Oh okay that's a good idea

I bought a little bit of NEO on Binance. Only because NEO pays out dividends with GAS. If you're buying a crypto why not buy one that will rise in price and give you another crypto.

Neo is going to give you some ONT Ontology tokens for holding Neo in your wallet too 👌

Do you know if Binance will support this? I read about the giveaway yesterday but didn’t see anything confirming or denying if binance will support.

I'm not 100% sure if they will. Binance has been great supporting most things, such as giving the GAS within Binance, so we will see if they support the AirDrop NEO ONT Ontology donation. Binance gave Super Bitcoin and Bitcoin Diamond for Holding Bitcoin. And airdropped 500 promotional TRON to all users. So hoping they support things like this. Im not 100% sure. Further details will be released soon.

NEO is becoming popular with some NEP5 Tokens coming out and giving airdrop for HODLers

These neppy headed coins going to takeover 2018 watch

Screenshot (33).png
This just doesn't seem right???
Did you go celebrate Mardi Gras with @Haejin?
Gonna miss @berniesanders(-18)

If Buying today can be my profit Maybe

No I don't because no cash and till worried about the drop in the crytocurrency market. Hope you or someone caring, loving can transfer me some stem or SBD. Follow me and upvote my blog at @ kdforlife

Etherem like to buy. Price low down. Buying is better now.

less than a year ago I bought 100LTC for $3.80, all priced less than $400. after holding them for few months later I sold them at $12 each. I thought I was intelligent and I made some money. but Currently I regret that trade because It was going to change my life.
So if you are buying today and you are not in a hard need of that money dont sell until next year and make the same mistake I did and regretted it.
Cheers buddies

Today, no. But I did buy some LTC during the dip, along with a little ETH and BTC. LTC is looking impulsive, so I'll be selling off those coins I did buy within the next week or so.

I got some eth today because i needed a more "safe" coin in my portfolio since most of it consisted of coins that have a high supply.

Steem, because it's the shit

thinking about buying more bitcoin/litecoin or just balling out on steem

I want to buy more BTC.. :)

I bought some Numivcoin (NUM) so I will be able to try their program... and its selling at low price on the exchange...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

XVG - only 5cents. Cheap. Has a tendency to jump to 10cents and I expect to see a big increase to 30cents by June. I do not imply I know anything about the market, however. More, wishful thinking.

I finally bought some ethereum. I think it stands potential near the end of this year. It has an interesting concept of smart contracts, and has a faster processing time than bitcoin. It just needs to gain more popularity.

I picked up some more EOS. I think it has a lot of potential and I only see it getting better after June. There are lots of projects being built on top of it already. I also am excited to see what happens with the airdrop of other projects that choose to use EOS instead of going with a "traditional" ICO. -@bozz

Bought some more ENG. It is the potential solution to a lot of problems currently plaguing blockchains especially privacy and scalability.

In this present time i want to buy BTC for their low rate.. I think the BTC rate will be increase after some days. So there will got a big profit.

I was going to buy steem to convert to steem power but I don't know if I should. Cant decide between NEO or Steem, both if used correctly earn you money for having them.

I think they are both long term buys, but I’ve never bought steem

I would earn steem, its more efficient to earn it than to buy it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I bought bitcoin bc i still believe in it. I believe the LN is future but i recognize the bitcoin needs bigger blocks segwit is just a big block bandage. With bigger block say 4 mb max the LN will be cheaper(Ln was cheap but now getting the bitcoin on the LN will be cheap)

Not sure, because it is still not stable,
usually i buy XRP Ripple

I actually bought into a thing called Budbo. It's a supply chain management utility token for the global cannabis industry. Looks pretty good. Tier 3 of their fundraising ends in a few days. I discovered it today while I was writing an article about cannabis-blockchain related tokens/coins. Caught my attention: Check it out by clicking my ref link:

Didn't buy anything, extremely lazy and will just power up all the steem/sbd I accumulate from here on out. Waiting on the big dipper before re-investing what I have on the sidelines. How about you.

i want to buy more Ripple

I bought some Ubiq and ICON. I bought ICON because it's Korean and I thought it would help support the olympics. I bought Ubiq because it's like ethereum Junior.

Looked at many things, bought nothing..It's like window shopping for things you have no money for.. LOL

Throw flemmy a few ups people

I didn't buy any, all my money is in cryptos, i don't have fiat.

I don't have fiat either, I buy only with crypto :)

How do you survive in your day to day life? What type of payment methods do you use for example?

I can turn my crypto into fiat. I use spectro and then a skrill master card. If I buy new crypto, I use profit from other crypto. :)

I've consider buying some more monero. If this Bitmain Ethereum Asics rumor turn out to be true then I think GPUs will soon turn out to mine Monero skyrocketing the difficulty and price.

Well I didn't buy more but im HODLING Zclassic getting ready for the epic Bitcoin Private hard fork

I didn't buy anything that EW guy recommended ;)

Bought some steem, want to be on Bernie's level.

No I did not.

ugh, yes. why must you remind me????


No, I stoped trading.

NEO because they have an airdrop upcoming...

Bought a ton of ethereum and litecoin..

nah didn't buy anything cuz too poor

What did you buy, Bernies?
Also, congrats on the rep increasing by 1!

steem, potcoin, golem, bts, cuz i wanna make money

I did not buy anything today. I only buy when their is a "blood on the street".

I don't buy today. I haven't any cryptos for buying.
But steem still good.

Litecoin good because litepay wallet awesome.

I need thats way hahaha

#LTC volume is going up. Lots of buy orders coming in. Seems to be breaking out from the others at the moment

Bought some LUX on the dip today, showing bids to buy lower if I get it.
LUXCoin has many reasons to buy at these levels and feels like under the radar ATM.
$13m cap only, Masternode, Smart contracts, ASIC resistant and SegWit.
3 days to coinburn, SC and SegWit activation

Neo, because of the ONT tokens and GAS. COSS for the 50% share of fees.

I'm thinking of holding till next Jan so I've gone for coins which should climb in value and provide income.

no why?

I didnt buy any today but I bought some ETH and LTC last week when it was lower :)

What do you guys think about coinbase? Just wondering.... :)

I didnt buy any
No money

I bought some Lisk yesterday. They have a big relaunch/rebranding at the end of the month, and it's been holding pretty well through the recent downturn.

Are done going down yet? Otherwise I am not leaving my USDT until shit calms down.

Can't afford to buy anymore crypto at the moment.

no cause i am broke . see food or crypto!

I love my Binnance now that it has Steem, got me more

Substratum, Ethos and AirSwap :)

Bought some litecoin because of litepay!

I buy SmartCash. Because it promotes privacy and decentralization. And the best part, I am after the SmartRewards.

@berniesanders, congrats you're improving a lot. From -18 to -17. And who say you need to write atleast 300 words to make it meaningful. Look at you're five words, it paints thousand words.

Picked up some Steem Power a few days ago. Holding on from making any more purchases for the time being though. Now that the face value of SBDs is above Steem again, I'm waiting to see how they both trade from here.

SBDs are really interesting. In relation to Steem, they are like what GAS is to NEO. At least, that's the best analogy that I can think of to point to in the crypto space. It's too bad they aren't marketed more clearly to the lay user - the long disproved peg characterization confuses everyone.

I did not buy anything, but i did HODL, Which means im buying a piece of future every day! Thanks again @berniesanders for trying to remove and point the corruption on Steem.

I mean kind of, I traded some ETH for doge but my friend had paid me to get him some dogecoin so not really.

Yes i did is for tge very special valentines day.......i am investing them for my after marrage life ....😋

I bought steem, because the sbd/steem ratio met my buy order.
I will power it up.
I say me, it was really @freebornsociety, but at this point those are the same.
@antisocialists also powered up some steem bought for the same reason.

Bitcoin all the way

i will buy power steem. so i can vote post friends

markets are drifting ,, scared to do anything @berniesanders

I want to buy steem but i don't have the money to buy it now

Bought a bit of blockmason. I had some at ICO and made some profit on it when I sold and think it may grow again a bit, although I do not have a clear analysis to back that up with. Just wanted to have a bit of it back.

I bought Ether because I did not had enough money for other coins, but next week I will buy some EOS too. Ether because it will fork pretty soon I guess and it will be a major fork. EOS after I have watched the interview with @dan. I still think what else to buy :)

Wow @berniesanders now I see, you got to -17 reputation, congrats! I am sure that really soon you will be above 0, great job, see you on the positive side!

Yeah..... I got a handful of Ripple!

Did not buy anything but I'm thinking to get my hands on some Litecoin.

bought btc by borrowing some bitcny.

I bought some bitcoin. And bananas with the change

Bought nothing again. Sadly I was one who bought lotsa stuff when market cap was around 600b. So hodl is all I can do now 😂

But such a good time to buy now! Argh the frustration!

I do not buy today

Yes Bernie I did sir. Added some BTC,LTC, and XRP. Having said that I am probably going to transfer a couple percent of my BTC here to Steemit and powerup some STEEM. I ve been waiting for the Poloniex Steem wallets to be unlocked but doesn't look like thats happening. Polo claims to need info from Steemit owners. I am really glad to see your other followers posts though to. May give me some investment ideas for the future. As usual I upvoted your posts. Keep doing what you do Bernie.i-upvoted-this.jpg

I don't buy. I mine. Thinking of selling some of my ETH for STEEM but im still not sure if i should do it.

Zcl yesterday. Still holding so many bags. I have to say I’m new to steam I am coming across your profile was just glorious. You really pissed trevon off and made my lol.


I bought LTC a couple days ago but then sold it back for my precious EOS.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Lol, you picked the wrong account to spam,...