
in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Hey friends :)

I am blackelt in brazilian jiu jitsu but in cryptocurrenzy I am white belt. Total beginner how wants to learn. All the advices are needed.
Question, Are cryptocerrency change world or are its bubble in the end? Arguments...please
Second question, What do you think about investing in gold or silver?

Oh yeah I'm from Finland, which is home to Santa Claus

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First off, can you tell Santa I said hello? Guy keeps forgetting me. :(

Anyway, I'm not too informed when it comes to cryptocurrency, but can vouch for two things, they are a volatile investment, but they also bounce back.

If you do invest and they dip down, do not sell, hold until it goes back up. A lot of people have lost a lot of money by getting scared and selling during a downturn.

As for gold and silver, I don't typically invest in either as I find them useless in the real world and think that any collapse serious enough to make a return on your investment will actually result in those metals being absolutely worthless. But thats just my opinion, and I'm geared more towards a survivalist mindset rather than a typical investor.

Anywho, welcome to steemit.

Hi Erebus, of course I say greetings to Santa!!! :) Maybe next year he remember you. Thanks that you give some advice. I have been thinking that silver gone go up because ratio to gold is not good.