Crypto-Mining-Porn : A snippet of experience for 0.002 BTC

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Like any other temptation, Cryptocurrency has been able to successfully cast its spell on a lot of us (yes, including me as well). It reminds of the days when I was in my mid teens and the way how porn was able to do the same to me.


I find quite a striking similarity between porn-to-teen and cryptos-to-us-noobs -The similarity lies in the Stark difference between fantasies and reality

I have been mining only since the very recent past and to be honest, I took about more than a month to even go ahead with the decision to set up something to resemble a rig (with 2 * 1060s and 1 * 1050 ti which I already had). Thanks to the bullish Bulwark which at that point of time was going all guns blazing and my brother-in-laws status message that said ”Mined 10 BWKs today”. With all these things in mind, I put my first step into it.

Spent about $1600 USD for a mobo, i7 processor, Corsair PSU,4 GB DDR4 & the GPUs and 10 hours to put them all together. Nicehash is what that first came to mind as soon as I powered the computer up. But Bulwark was in no mood to spare me while my sane self pushing for the former.

The duel continued in my mind and I ended up giving a 50-50, Nicehash while I am at work & Bulwark or any other alt coin at night when I can baby sit the rig to investigate if something goes wrong. But little did I realise that when I start mining alt coins, there is no real guarantee of whether I would get as many coins as I thought I would get and also, the volatility of the price of the alt coins. Bulwark, when I started mining was at $8 but now while I am penning this down, I see is at about $4. I understand the volatility
for Bitcoin isn’t any lesser but the chances of a bounce back is more for BTC than for BWK.

I switched from BWK to Nicehash (24*7) in the next couple of days thinking if I could have made this decision earlier to have gained at least a couple of one thousandth of a BTC. Nevertheless I think it’s price that I have paid to understand to the basics of how-to-start-mining. I realise there is nothing right and nothing wrong in life, all that boils down to is knowledge that you gain.

Now, my fantasy was the mere fact that I was thinking of making a bear minimum of $15 / day, (at least 2 BWKs) with what I thought was a very minimalistic approach. But then, there was no guarantee that I was going to mine any number of coins for sure. The only other coin that I am actually mining right now is Yenten using my CPU. And I don’t want to given into any temptation and stop mining it. Here is what my Yenten earning curve looks like.

Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 7.10.59 PM.png

Patience, indeed is a virtue and in Cryptos, I do feel the virtue will pay.

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