Rapids Network October 2020 Review

in cryptocurrency •  4 years ago 

Rapids Network

Hello, Good evening to all! Welcome to this retrospective of Rapids, rich in News, Games, Information and much more...

The funniest event of this month of October 2020 is without a doubt the Halloween festivities which you attended and above all you lent yourself to the Games for the pleasure of all.

After the frenzy of the 30th September, and the 5 Billion Rapids (RPD) Burn, we're starting again on a busy month. (Watch our Youtube video here)

And to start this new month, you could attend our Mini Game Series. A weekly event hosted by Smart with our TeamRPD for everything related to the universe of our E-sports team and our Streamers.

Rapids Network - TeamRPD

We have also been able to discover the brand new update on Rapids Mobile Wallet with new features such as :

  • View your Balance in USD - EUR - GBP & BTC
  • New links to find us more easily on social networks
  • Copy Address functions and the Transactions page
  • And many more as well as the resolution of minor bugs

Don't forget to download your Rapids Mobile Wallet on Android or iOS stores if you haven't already done so.

Rapids Network team has announced that they are looking for new members to expand our areas of expertise and develop Rapids even further. If you are a person who can bring these kinds of skills :

  • Lead Marketer
  • Experienced website Developer
  • Partner liaison officer
  • Experienced Spokesperson
  • Outbound listing assistant

Feel free to Fill out this form, if you are interested in these proposals and to learn more about the terms and conditions of the positions you are looking for. Contact us on Telegram for more informations.

Rapids Network

Middle of the month and another nice surprise for Rapids. We just passed the 1,000,000 achieved blocks milestone! as we continue to develop the Blockchain for your comfort and security - And on October 22nd we set a new record for the number of transactions in a single day, with more than 9,000 transactions recorded on the Rapids Network Blockchain.

October was also an interesting month for Trading enthusiasts, Crex24 organizes a Trading Contest (which ends on November 14th), and for this occasion Rapids will share a reward of 10 Million RPD (the equivalent of a Masternode) for the 15 Traders with the highest trading volume on this site - Good luck to all participants and good luck to those who still want to join this Contest. You have only 3 Days left to be part of the best traders.

Besides this Contest, Atomars also organized a voting competition to be listed on their exchange platform, to add new Cryptos on their website as well as new Pairs. Unfortunately we did not win this competition (We were in the top 5). But once again we have seen that we can count on your full support, all the Rapids communities around the world have mobilized to bring their vote to Rapids (RPD) throughout the 14 Rounds (14 days) - we don't take it as a defeat, but on the contrary as a victory not being listed on Atormars is not that important compared to all the support you bring to Rapids day after day and we are proud of that, we are proud of our community, we are proud of all of you!

We also unveiled our new lottery, with 1 winner per week, the rule is simple:

Every Wednesday, the Masternode Rewards address that has the timecode closest to 21:00 UTC receives 250,000 RPD reward which could perhaps make you one of our 5 big winners for the month of November - While knowing that every month, more and more Masternodes are hosted on Rapids.Host as well as various other Masternode Hosting platforms in 10 countries around the world.

Rapids Network

For the small information, if you also want to host your own RPD Masternodes, choose Rapids.Host, this hybrid platform offers you to do so for only 0.99€ per month, which makes Rapids.Host the cheapest Masternode Hosting & Staking platform on the market.

For users of the Stakecube - Masternode Hosting & Staking Platform you can now exchange your ETH directly in RPD with this new Trading Pair set up by Stakecube.

Every Tuesday, since this month of October, you can attend our 'Weekly Active Team Time' where you can ask us all the questions you want about Rapids, the Blockchain and the Technology behind Rapids etc...

And here we are at the end of the month, and the beginning of the Halloween events, which we were very happy to see you attend and be involved in, among others ..:

Rapids Network - Halloween

And here we are at the end of some great adventures, to leave the place for more great things to discover with Rapids a Page is turned no one knows what the future holds, and thanks to your unfailing support, we have faith in this future, and in the constant development of Rapids Network.

Thank you all and see you in December to tell you the adventures of November. Keep well, take care of yourself and yours. See you soon

Rapids Network

Thank you all for your continued support to the network.

I'm currently under contract with Rapids Network, which gives me the right to publish, republish, on their behalf, articles first published on Rapids Network/Medium.

If you have any questions, or if you believe that there is copyright infringement, please contact Rapids directly at https://www.rapidsnetwork.io/contact/.

Join us on:


  1. https://www.rapidsnetwork.io/
  2. https://t.me/TeamRPD
  3. https://www.rapidsexplorer.com/
  4. https://t.me/RapidsOfficial
  5. https://twitter.com/RapidsRPD
  6. https://rapids.host/
  7. https://rapids.world/
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