Lithium Ion Coin (currently EarlyBSC (EBSC)) Prediction - Astrology
This was written around the New moon in Leo 8.8.21 - on this date lithium launched its first IDO
I am Using the Birth chart of Lithium 26/4/2021 London 11:50am
A new moon is a good time for new beginnings, new opportunities, and starting new things. The new Moon has just happened in Leo (and continues over the next month) which is all about status, worth, value and only having the best and being the best.
Leo is all about what the heart wants and desires, what it loves, being bold and courageous and doing what it wants and not worrying about what anyone thinks. What this means is that it won't follow any other coin it will lead its own way it won't do what other coins are necessarily doing in the markets, it will do its own thing and be bold and courageous in its own way and create it own trends and followers alike. So according to the timing we have, if it is correct then the chart for this coin is a Leo rising.
The new moon being in Leo is right on the charts ascendant which is the start of a chart so it's ideal for a new beginning or starting something new or fresh. This new moon is super powerful as well because it's part of a really powerful energy period called the lions gate - a specific time of the year where there are certain energies aligning and helping or allowing us to step into our true power and really fulfill our deepest desires, to shine bright and to flourish doing it. It's crazy that this coin is launching on a new moon in Leo when it's possibly a Leo rising chart. Leo is all about having value and worth and standing out from the rest. It's king or queen vibrations.
The chart has a beautiful grand trine between Jupiter (planet of luck and fortune), Mars (planet of action), and the Moon (its foundation) which is incredible. There may be a lot of transformation and unexpected change that may be externally forced in regards to its foundation/creator, it's future/legacy, and the way it operates on day to day basis (including its structure and organisation/people). So I would say what it starts as, will be completely different or evolved than what it ends up as, as it won’t come easy though with Pluto (the destroyer) involved (destroys what isn’t working and helps to transform into something better that will).
It's North Node is in 11 degrees in the 11th house of gains, technology, the future, wishes, humanitarianism. This is quite an awesome placement meaning it's destined for gains and big things! Venus & Mercury are conjunct in the 10th is great for communication and getting the message across to the public in a pleasurable way that people will want a piece of it. These 2 together could do well in business, especially with contracts, negotiations, and social media. It's also in Taurus the sign of MONEY! Sun, Mercury, Venus all in Taurus which represents, value, worth (like Leo) money & possessions. Venus being here in its own sign is favourable and Uranus is here to shows it's coming into the crypto market to possibly stir or shake things up and will be either an underdog or come out shining on top and surprise everyone, it will be unique or different in some way. Mars & Neptune are Squaring so there will be tension that stops that action (in the 11th house, so likely to gains or popularity) from outside deceptive forces from the 9th house – following the wrong advice from “gurus” potentially or being so stuck in beliefs that they cannot pivot or change. With the Part of Fortune in the 6th house, it really is going to be about the daily grind, the hard work, the long haul, stability, having good foundations, procedures, and ethics in place, it will pay off HUGELY but its long term and it won’t be easy.
Jupiter also as mentioned above in the amazing trine is in the 8th house of investments. Expansion and growth and abundance are definitely on the cards but again will involve that transformation and opportunities along the way. The Relationships within the business will also be hard work, finding that balance between restriction and freedom will be a constant push and pull. Difficulties could be in finding a balance to please everyone involved while sticking to the vision and the bigger picture.
This is not financial advice and I am not a Financial Advisor and advise anyone to get advice from a professional before making any decisions. This is for learning & entertainment purposes only