📰 Crypto News of the Day : China's army certificates on Hyperledger, Multi-Collateral Dai goes live, Researcher breaks Grin's Mimblewimble

in cryptocurrency •  5 years ago 

In the markets today, Bitcoin price decline today by nearly -3.7%

🎖️ China’s army certificates may now be on Hyperledger blockchain

Yesterday, we talked about how China's military magazine, PLA Daily, exhorted the nation's army to adopt blockchain technology.

Today, it is revealed that a member of the Hyperledger Certified Service Providers will work on providing army certification on the blockchain.

Beijing Peersafe Technology, who claims to be a key player in the Chinese blockchain industry, is now qualified to join Hyperledger's certification program, which may allow Peersafe to explore the application of blockchain in the Chinese Military.

Full Story: https://www.coindesk.com/chinese-armys-blockchain-provider-approved-for-new-hyperledger-certification-program

⚡ Multi-Collateral Dai goes live on MakerDAO

Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD) has been activated on the MakerDAO system following a community vote last Friday.

MCD, as its name states, will enable users to create Dai stablecoin coins backed by multiple collateral types.

With MCD's activation, there are now two Dai systems in Maker: Single Collateral Dai, which has been renamed SAI, and Multi-Collateral Dai, which has taken the DAI name.

Full Story: https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/47416/multi-collateral-dai-goes-live-on-makerdao

🖥️ Researcher breaks Grin's MimbleWimble using only $60 worth of AWS computing power

According to an expert at blockchain research firm Dragonfly Research, he is able to discover the exact senders and recipients addresses for 96% transactions on the Grin (GRIN) blockchain.

He claimed that he was able to break Grin’s purported privacy while spending just $60 per week on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The problem is inherent to Mimblewimble, and the researcher noted that while Mimblewimble has it's unique properties, it should be implemented in parallel with other privacy methods to compliment the vulnerability.

Full Story: https://cointelegraph.com/news/researcher-breaks-grins-privacy-spending-just-60-per-week

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Well that is cheap. $60!

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