What is Mesh Networking? Why do we care? The next big partnership with QORA and Crowetic Computers that's why!

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

Hello Everyone!

I'm back a little sooner than expected this time, as I've vowed to try to post here more, and to still never put up any content that isn't extremely interesting and useful. I would prefer my account to be one people know as a honest reviewer of technology, and someone who brings up interesting projects and information for the whole of the crypto community and beyond.

Today, I'm going to be writing about a new partnership that I have formed, and what the plans are with it. If anyone is interested further, please reach out on Discord! (My company's Discord server is here...https://discord.gg/qWX85Ys)

After starting a new company with an old partner of mine that I have known for a long time... he came to me one day and said he had someone who was 'very techie' and he thought that person and I might get along well. He also informed me that the guy (we'll call him 'Mr. O' from now on...) had a product he was attempting to get to market and needed help finding investors.

I told my partner that I would speak to Mr. O, and once I did... The partnership 'FireAnt BSD' was formed!

Mesh Networking - sounds fancy right?

(well, it is almost exactly what you'd think it is...)

The idea of Mesh Networks is probably something people are loosely familiar with, but my guess would be that most people have no real idea of what is possible with them.

  • Mesh Networks and blockchain tech go hand in hand like butter and toast.

  • The future world is unknown, but the future of the decentralized world, WILL contain Mesh Networking.

  • Able to be used for multitude of purposes.

  • Could eventually make it so that the internet infrastructure is hardly necessary.

  • Could be used for depletion of the necessity of an internet connection for all the things the internet is used for. Could even potentially be faster overall than the existing internet as it has the capability of basically building a completely separate 'internet'.

Okay, do I have your attention? Good!

Initially, even prior to the FireAnt project becoming a thing in my life... I had ALWAYS loved the idea of Mesh Networks. I even have a set of 'dishes' at my home that I haven't setup yet, that are in theory capable of broadcasting a wireless mesh over 18 miles (directional.) I had planned to use this setup to connect my home and my previous office a while back, however I ended up moving out of that office before I had the chance to actually build the setup.

I had planned to utilize Mesh Network technology in QORA (My longest running project and totally decentralized blockchain-based web hosting capability.) As QORA will be a perfect pair to a totally centralized service free data connection.

So when FireAnt creator came to me, and asked me to help... I was more than happy to! The partnership was a no brainer for me, as Mesh Networking was always within the plan anyway. Thus begins the journey and the story of...

To adequately explain, we must quote Mr O...

“While working as a consultant in Brazil a while ago I noticed something quite incredible. People there loved engaging in Social Media but struggled to do so because of the prohibitive cost of Wifi and Cell Data in a country where people only make a $500 a month on average.

I could not believe that 5 gigabytes in Brazil was $90 a month !! Further research showed this is true world wide in many 2nd and 3rd world countries. It’s ridiculous that two people 200 meters apart have their text messages or phone calls go through a server 200,000 meters away. Let’s solve this problem and connect people locally and globally at the same time”

What we've learned from this humble ideation...

  • Data prices in some countries are insanely expensive compared to their income.

  • These same locations, are quite densely populated, and could very well team perfectly with a Mesh Network enabled service.

  • The low-income high population countries and cities, are the perfect spot to launch a product such as fireant.

More about Fireant...

FireAnt Details

(Initial functionality will be trumped by what is available once the project is fully moving and has hit critical mass. However, what exists now in the pre-funding alpha version and what will exist in the launch version at start are the following...)

  • Plan your day at lightning speed by thumb swiping the built-in map.

  • Text your new overseas friends in their native language with our instant translator.

  • Make a video call to friends and family and allow the little ones to visit Gramma who lives out of state.

What became of Crowetic Computers' portion of the project, is the following... (along with a future QORA partnership)

QORA technology will be what powers the back end of the FireAnt chain. QORA allows for totally decentralized (in all aspects) blockchain-based data storage and hosting. With a couple modifications that same tech will be used to power the blockchain backend of FireAnt. :)

Feel like you wish you didn't miss out on things? Well, FireAnt is still in its infancy, and you don't have to miss out. Get in contact with me today if you're interested in finding out more! Discord link once again for my company's Discord... https://discord.gg/qWX85Ys

Thank you all and hope you enjoyed!

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What a wicked awesome idea!! This is a game changer!!

Why thank you kind sir, we agree. We believe that the QORA/FireAnt partnership in the future (which I'll write another post on soon) will be the biggest thing since sliced bread! (As if slicing bread is so big, all sayings are so strange and old.)

How can I download Fireant. Please help me out..........

If you are interested in testing the Application, please reach out on Discord! (The company's Discord server is here... https://discord.gg/qWX85Ys)

The application is NOT ready for public use, please do not download it now. This is merely an idea right now, being built.

Awesome idea!

Looks very interesting, well done. I'll keep an eye on your progress. 👀☺️

Nice buddy!! Stoked to help out in any way, there are about 10 blockchain/cryptos out there doing something in Mesh right now so the space is growing quickly and we believe it will be a big part of the future web 3.0!!

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