Are we on the brink of a cashless society?

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Are we on the brink of a cashless society?


It has long been predicted by many so called experts, that we will eventually be a world that is void of all physical money and cash transactions. It was also written in the Bible that the Antichrist shall rise from the depths to enslave all mankind with the mark of the beast, and control all of world's transactions with a one world currency. These predictions may seem scary to many people or even a ridiculous concept to conceive, but are we actually living in the foretold future right now? Is this the beginning of the end of days?

Revelation 13:16–18
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

With the current rise of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, it is starting to look and feel as if these predictions may actually become a reality. In today's current world climate we are gradually and rapidly seeing a decline in the use of real money or cash so to speak for ever day transactions and purchases. We only need to look at the world wide trends to realize that slowly but surely we are moving in the direction of a cashless society.



The computer technology of today is advancing at an exponential rate, and this has provided the necessary infrastructure for the world to operate solely on digital currency and therefore be one day controlled and manipulated by the powers that be, or who some may refer to as the illuminati. Some people may choose to believe that the illuminati does not exist, but there is ample proof and documentation that they are all to real, and have been pulling the strings of the worlds major puppets for centuries.

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Is the rise of Cryptocurrency an unstoppable force? I truly believe that it has reached the point of no return. There are to many Corporate Giants in the world that are fully reliant on the computer's that operate their systems and in order to advance and thrive in this ever evolving world that we live in they will have to utilize the power of the Blockchain technology and other Cryptocurrency usages, so that they will not be left behind in the great race for global dominance.


All of this occurring in our modern lives brings about certain questions and fears that we are all encountering and debating. Should we embrace these new technologies? Do we fear the predictions of the Bible and reject change, hoping that we can delay the inevitable? These and many other questions I'm afraid I can't answer, but I do believe strongly in 2 things.! Firstly I believe that we will eventually see the fall of money as we know it today, and we will someday see a world that is dominated by Cryptocurrency. But secondly I also believe with all my heart that if you follow the word of the Lord, if you abide by the ten commandments, and you denounce Santan and all evil that will come before him, then you will make it through the foretold end of times and emerge into the new world as a better, stronger, and wiser human being. This was not intended to be a Bible study, I am just speaking my mind... Peace out @crypto-expo

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This has been an @crypto-expo Production

All image's have been sourced from Google images.


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

SDR Special Drawing Rights....
The cashless society will not come from cryptocurrency. It will be from IMF, government backed and supported by banks, corporations and political elites.

You have a valid and interesting point there 👍

They're gonna try. Are you gonna sit back and take it like a pussy?

I will not give up without a fight 😉

The assertion that central banking and corporate control is capitalist is naive at best. Central banking along with any form of central planning is the antithesis of pure capitalism where free markets rule and central planning is just a form of communism. Secondly linking bitcoin/decentralised cryptocurrency to some globalized central monetary system is just plain wrong. Bitcoin is not controlled by any one major country/private party and is deflationary in nature. Your concern of a global centralised digital currency is well founded though but it most certainly will not be Bitcoin as bitcoin by nature goes against what the central planners hope to achieve.

You are a wise individual @rupturedcrab , thank you for your comment. I must say that I can't disagree with you on this one. 👍

Yes capitalism is a pyramid scheme, same with cryptocurrency trading. But the get rich quick appeal, is helping to popularize the idea of a cashless world, like wildfire.

The good news is, as you've implied, that if the Antichrist can't control cryptocurrencies like the incredibly anonymous Monero, then it could delay the Mark for a very long time. More info in my recent post here: