Giving my children Bitcoin

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Ive decided im going to give my 2 children 1 bitcoin each, I will put them in seperate wallets and put them away.

This part may seem unfair but im planning on giving them the wallets on their 38th birthdays.

Thats my age now and i feel settled and secure with my finances for the first time in my life. Ive had very low points like being homeless for 2 days with a 3 year old daughter after a failed business, having debt collectors knocking on my door demanding 20k

I wouldnt change this is it has given me life experience and ambition. I could give it to them in their 20s but if its worth a lot of money in 10 years they may lose all ambition and squander it.

Who knows what 1 bitcoin could be worth in 30 years. Theres a very good chance it will be 0 but what if it really does do what a lot of people say £100,000 £500,000 £10,000,000 ??? Its a nice dream and worth a shot.

Even if my children are broke they will not know about it, they will have to deal with it and stand on their own 2 feet. Obviously i would be there to help them if theres ever a massive global currency colapse but lets hope it doesnt get to that.

1 bitcoin could change a life

. bitcoinmatrix.jpg

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Awesome idea!

Yeah that is a amazing idea, your kids have one lucky mother, for real!

I think is a good move you do for your kids.

Good !! I did exactly the same !

Fantastic idea man, in 30 years from now sure Bitcoins could well over $500k. I see no reason why should be less regarded, the future is indeed bright! Cheers

I can remember when my mother would buy U.S. Savings Bonds for us kids on our birthdays. Over the years though, they were all squandered to pay the bills as they never really appreaciated much. Go Bitcoin!

Idea is good but execution can be better. Rather than buying 1 bitcoin for over 2700USD, I would prefer to buy 15000 coins with a mix of IOTA/NEO etc promising altcoins that are worth around or less than a dollar today.


Bitcoin may go to 500,000 sure. But these coins if they go to even 1000 USD in 30 years the return will be around 15million.

I think the same investment strategy is true for new comers who are in crypto for long run.

Would love to do the same for my kiddos.