Pretty cool news for Digibyte getting to present in Hong Kong at the CITI challenge tomorrow
Wait a minute what in tarnation is DiguSign?!
A quick look at their website, and it looks VERY familiar. Almost identicle to the DGB website. Very intersting, I had no idea about DiguSign at all. And of course this inspires me to do just a little diggining to see what this is all about!
According to their "about section" they say: "DiguSign allows you to securely store, notarize, validate and secure any document in a public, worldwide decentralized blockchain. By taking the secure cryptographic SHA256 hash of a document and embedding it in a DigiByte blockchain transaction that is then broadcast to thousands of servers across the planet in a decentralized manner."
Um this could be a, real world, game changer...
So I guess thats pretty good news they get to present it at the CITI challenge in Hong Kong.
Besides this awesome news, and (personal) discovery of DiguSign...
A little more digging into the digibyte hashtag on twitter yields a SHIT TON of people expecting the Price to continue to climb after its most recent consolidation. Here is some of the first few posts you'll see.
I had to take a look for my self!
As you can see I'm anticipating DGB to respect this trend. Considering how much support it has found at around the 1090 sat level. I'm expecting it to have a decent spike soon, and look to gain more support at the 1755 sat level. As always I'm hoping to hear your opinions on this!
Let me know what you guys think below
or if I muffed anything up!
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