First Entry

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Hey guys and gals, I'm fo0! Pronounced like something Mr. T would pity.

Alright this is my first entry to my brand new Steem blog and just an introduction with some information about me. I'm a husband, father of two and a professional developer. I've been watching the crypto market since 2011 when I let some friends fud me out of mining. I finally dove in head first at the beginning of this year 2017 and it's been an amazing ride so far.

I'm going to be going over the coins I like, the coins I don't like and the exchanges I use. I'll share some tutorials on how to get started and some more advanced information about how to make the most of the coins you already have. I'll be drawing on my developer experience a lot to explain why I like / dislike some coins and why I think they have a real use case.

I look forward to interacting with the community here and couldn't think of a better platform to start my crypto blog than Steem. In my first real entry I'm going to talk about Lisk and why I like it. Don't forget to follow. Cheers.


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Can't wait for the post on Lisk, don't forget to comapre to it's alternatives though. I'm always worried about which of these to follow!

Yup that's my intention is to compare it the other crypto's in the same space.