Story of a pump and dump group on telegram

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi All

The shortest directed distance between two points is under construction.

my first post and the aim is let everyone know to not to fall for these pump and dump group which let you know which coin to buy before its pumped and apparently make massive gain 10x or even 16x the orginal price.

Somebody posted a link to one of the pump and dump groups and i clicked to join. It was one of those groups where only admins can post. While scrolling I noticed there was upcoming pump being advertised and results of the last pump were also being mentioned. So I did the math in my head and the equation seemed pretty cool so i decided to take part in the upcoming pump which was four hours away.


I eagerly waited for the time and freed some money to experiment and surely the time did come. the final announcement was made and instruction were laid out so everybody in the group (12475 people) knew what they were doing.


Captain pump was even gonna post the direct link to the coin page, how very nice of him, so the coin was announced since i was on my laptop i quickly typed in the coinname in bittrex search to bring up the coin and noticed it was already about 200% but blinded by greed i just decided to click on the coin name to continue with the experiment (thats what I am calling it now .lol) everything was happening so fast prices kept changing every miliseconds and I placed an order at the last asking price which was 0.00086000 btc at the time and i picked up 25 units of the coin and before i knew it the prices came crashing down. it all happened with in two mins. and then it dawned on me that he was posted the direct link to the coin page so people could not see on the main page that the coin was already up by 200%

and my 65 dollars turned into 16 dollars. learnt an expansive lesson and i thought i should let everyone know not to get drawn in. I am now thinking modus of operandi here is that these people run another paid group to give people tips for next pumps and ask them to set buy and sell orders and then announce the coin name in those plebs groups. I have seen people post screenshot of how they lost whole btcs on these pump groups (unfortunately i did not take screenshots and admin of that other group removed those because that group isnt a pump group).

I suspect this captain pump guy runs several others groups and they all announce the same coin at the same time and let every one jump in. After the pump is finished he brags about how good of a pump it was and starts sharing screenshots of people thanking him on whatsapp (yeah whatsapp , he never shared his whatsapp number (or maybe he did before i joined)in this telegram chat so obviously they are his friends or paid clients or actual group members).

two groups.png


And it could be that there is no foul play involved at the guy genuinely wants everyone to make money by running a free service but you have been warned to tread carefully. As i said in the beginning the shortest directed distance between two points is under construction so go on a proper road and be patient because it might take you longer but you will more likely reach your destination.



Please let me know if you had any interaction or postive/negative experience with any of pump and dump groups.

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There is only one way to play this game.. Choose your coins 10-15 and hope that they fall under this list. Make sure you do the TA and buy when its sideways after correction or else dont touch it. When the even does happen they'll announce the pump.. thats when you setup your sell orders .

As always if we are busy and no time for these kind of games better stay away.

sound advice

But you would end up tying your money in a lot of different coins and even if one of the coins gets pumped you would still be left with lots of coins you didn't want in the first place.

Had the same experience yd. I clicked instantly (same group) and it was alrdy to late. My theory: He just scams everyone and puts on his sellorders, so all the FOMO users buy his coins for 200-500%. I clicked instantly when it was announced and the coin was alrdy 10x. So this only works if you get the info before. otherwise its way too late

These things work 100% if you know the name of the coin before the pump and it's easy to find them on Bittrex :)

@roskat and how do you find the name of the coin beforehand on bittrex ? would love to know and recover my 65$ before the next pump which is apparently tomorrow.

theres no way to know for sure other then watching all the top gainers and place orders on them all

And that would mean investing money in all shite coins you don't even believe in. Risky strategy I would say.

hello @frankenbeanie, if you are new to crypto i sincerely think you should use telegram

they Provide Free Cryptocurrency Trading Signals for pumps on a regular basis. just join and see and follow and reap rewards for consistent profit

I would gladly give it a go to see how this group operates by I am pretty sure to gain from these groups one has to have speed like the flash to succeed.

I'm trying to predict the pump as well. On bittrex it's look possible to do it but place with more coin like yobit is so hard.
I'd like to interact with you if you have some tips to share about it

How do you find out? What indicators are you looking for?

@solero hope you didnt lose a lot of money. I think your thesis is right about what happens. I think he may have another group on whatsapp where he sells the information about the pump and thank you messages are from those groups.

have you been in that group for long ?

‪Plz join telegram group. We are bringing you up to date on Crypto market (Alts news/ major update/ partnership).‬

Yes sure they are one of the largest trading group with around 10000 member going great with profitable signals to their member but signal price is very high rather then you can follow excellent Crypto Signals + Proven verifiable results Crypto Signals + CryptoCurrency Training

Contact @geniuscrypty for any queries

one word. scam

Indeed it is . But there are people who still fall for this . I am still part of the said pnd group and see its memberships go up everyday which is sad.

best pump site is on join the group
and make money

A new FREE pump aggregator: PumpOlymp

Not a yet another crypto pump channel.
Upcoming pumps watchlist.
High quality analytics of historical pumps with charts.

More info

very useful, thanks for taking the time to put this together

No probs @iamblake , hope its helping people make educated decisions :)

Those group are 100% SCAM dude, you would never be able profit unless you hold that coin in the first place

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Just started a pump group - there will be NO pre-pump (Can be verified via looking at the graphs) Honest and fair only - just started!

To join the group you have to download and make a telegram account, then click the link below and it allows you to join. We need to work towards a thousand or so members before the pumps work well but in the mean time we will make it work!!

For those interested, I am tracking the real results (or mostly lack thereof) of more than 300 of these groups on my website - and providing commentary on them on Telegram:

‪Plz join my telegram group. We are bringing you up to date on Crypto market (Alts news/ major update/ partnership).‬

Latest news from captain pump. Read the post it's pretty ridiculous the way he is trying to convince the sheeps of why he posts the coin name 5 secs later than he should.

‪Plz join telegram group. We are bringing you up to date on Crypto market (Alts news/ major update/ partnership).‬

1 hour left for big pump
Join :

Great post kabam. After reading this, I searched around on Telegram to find out how this worked. Followed on some pumps before Itryed myself. If you are fast enough, one can easily make 100 - 200% profit. Just make sure you don't buy too high. Following these now and it works well for me. Don't bet all the money every time, so I can lose occasionally :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I don't understand why there is so much negativity about pump and dumps. It's a game. Like on market someone need to loose that other would win. As i said it is a game and your success depends of how/if you follow the rules of the player, or you break the rules and try to use the opportunity. Obviously only players have guaranteed income from the game, but using specific tools you can be a shadow player not a pumper. I am using pump bot which brought me lots of profit. As i'm saying as long as you don't let the player force rules on you, there are really good money waiting.

Could you point me in the right direction to using such a bot? what is the name?

The biggest advantage is if you get the coin early.. and I only know of that offer this for free! You're welcome 😊

Well I personally joined this group called Crypto Market Wall Street.
Seems pretty reasonable. So far no pre-pumps or "VIP club" so im sticking to them.
In case you guys want the link is =

This is the greatest group ever!

heyy much more than this group ->

PADL-App is an always up to date list of upcoming pumps. They review each pump group as objectively as possible, in order to protect traders from scam. Their Ranking-System will show you right away how reputable a group is.

🚀 Unique Crypto Whale Group! Join now!