RE: 10 minutes to make the world a better place

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10 minutes to make the world a better place

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

GreaT V_iD !!! .. i dig YOUr INtenTION !! - ))

Thank you so much! And thank you for taking the time to make your response. I have to say, it's easier to read than I thought it would be :P

.. i feel the "word" you were R(each-in)G for .. = credibility ?? - ))
.. maybe ?? - ))

ABSOLUTELY!! Thank you! I like to record without a script. To me - that feels more sincere and relatable.

IS the U_N_i-VERSE .. not an "ORACLE" rewarding intention(S) ?? - ))
= why does 'thin-king' about certain subjects, feel good & bad ?? - ))

You have a fascinating perception of the universe and certainly one with which I cannot disagree.

and .. ALL DAY + EVERY DAY !!! .. WE are each 'tethered' to NOW ((.))
= NO ONE is skipping aROUND .. un(CERT-A)in .. which moMEnt will co'me next ... = T_i'mE & S_PacE .. are very "CO(N-S)is'TEN-T" & LogicaL - )))


What do you do for a living? This is so profound! Do you read a lot? Listen to a lot of music? How do you think what you think?

LasT-LY .. isn't ALL .. ME(a)sure(ME)'nT .. subjective ?? - ))
and .. isn't ALL.. "decision" .. a translation .. of FEELING ?? - ))
.. w'HERE .. no 'one' .. can FEEL .. for aNOTher .. right ?? - ))

Certainly subjective measurement is subjective :P

In most science, measurements are always taken to be as nonsubjective as possible. However, with this collective voting idea, I believe the collective subjective is good enough to be as close to objective as possible.

AnY-WaY .. .. i'm with YOU !! - ))
.. YOUr .. iD-Ea .. sounds FUN !!! - )))

and (in) .. "shinning as B_RiGhT as POSSIBLE" ! - )))))))
.. what could go wrong ??? - )))

THANK YOU THAT'S SO EXCITING TO HEAR!! Follow me here for many more updates, better explanations, more videos, attempts to rip the idea apart (to grow its strength) and how you can help me try and help make this place a happier place! You seem like the kind of person that wants just that :)

"NOW" only provides .. two options - )))
ALL is "coincidence" ... (( sad face - ((
.. or ..
ALL is "SYNCHRONICITY" .. (( happy face - ))

= responsibility = response ability - )))

.. the 'ability to respond' .. is "THE" .. GREAT POWER !!! - )))

and .. EVERY HuMaN'S .. ((FIRST)) .. S(UP)ER P(O-WE)R !!! - )))
(( i find it "to be" .. the MOST FUN TOO !!! - )))
ha ha - )))

.. ahh .. the JOY of BE( i )NG - )))

If you haven't yet, watch Jim Carrey's commence speech at Maharishi University of Management. It's beautiful.

ps .. do NOT "meAsure" youR 'success' .. on this ((BE'A'U_ti-FULL)) project
with OUT-s(iD)e "in-DICATORS" .. (ie) .. IF ?? .. you let the "feeling of success" "TO BE" .. the success YOU SEE-K ??? .. theN, success MUST COME .. and .. the more 'vigilant' YOU are .. with SENSATIONS ((= moment to moment !! - )) .. the M(or)E .. SENSATIONAL .. YOU MUST BE(CO)ME - )))

in short .. ALL "FO(C)US" is meditation .. G_i'vE no "ait-time" ((= thought time )) .. to any-THIN'g .. un-wanted .. and waTch what happens "in" YOUr EXP(erie)NCE !!! - )))

Thank you for being so kind and encouraging! I don't see a whole lot of that genuine positive energy. You're the exact kind of person that would benefit the most from what I'm trying to do and I thank you again for taking the time to write this response!

Have a great day and I'll see you around!

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