BitBang: The Future of Safer Crypto Investments

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

The biggest challenge with cryptocurrency investment or participation in ICOs is the high tendency for the project developers to commit fraud.

Why is this so?

Well, there are a lot of anonymous developers who can easily create tokens in today's major platforms or blockchains such as ETH and WAVES.

They then seek investors to join them and end up scamming them of their crypto assets.

BitBang aims to prevent such scams by funding projects with known developers behind them.
Developers will have to submit funding forms with BitBang where personal information will be collected.

Projects that submit such forms will be added on a project list. The developer(s) will also sign a contract to prove they really are behind the projects they promote.

This way, investors can feel safe investing in such projects which BitBang will fund and list thereby increasing trust in ICOs and reducing scams.

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