Thank you for the question emails coming in about the Free series of tutorial webinar videos I'll be calling
'From Zero To Wealth with Cryptocurrency in 2018'
I have always enjoyed teaching this course because
it helps me stay on my path to achieve the financial freedom goals I have set for myself...
and I get the opportunity to answer questions from people who take the course - as you may know, questions are the leaders of thought. Good questions always bring out answers that provide a better explanation about the principles I am teaching! Those answers become part of my Book, and expand the usefulness of future courses.
In preparation for this cryptocurrency course for beginners in 2018, scheduled to launch on May 15, I have set myself some goals.
I did a backwards calendar from then back till now, and laid out what I want to accomplish and prepare before that free course is open.
Be sure to go over to and sign up for the free email list - and you'll begin to receive a series of teasers and information about the course that is coming up -
And I'd be very grateful to have your replies to some of the questions I ask in those email - because it's going to help me produce the course that is going to really be beneficial to YOU, specifically.
Thanks again for those email and those questions - it is a real inspiration to me.
P.S. - I added a couple @dougpolkcrypto tags to this video as I plan to 'Call Him Out' and challenge him to review my courses.
Doug Polk has posted several scathing commentaries about other course creators - and I INVITE him to critique my years of work that have culminated in providing simple-to-understand, action-you-can-take-today style of teaching.
Watch for that video after I get a haircut...
Risk Disclaimer
There is considerable risk in bitcoin, altcoin or world market trading, and may not be suitable for all investors.
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