DeepOnion is a new and pure proof of stake and proof of work cryptocurrency that is totally distributed via airdrops. This means since the beginning of the project last year, there was no ICO or crowdfunding. In the deeponion project, anonymity and privacy of transaction is guaranteed because deeponion is integrated in the Tor network. Currently, the deeponion wallet is now integrated with the latest Tor version 0.3.3. Projects like this are unique and tend to be highly successful because they get high community penetration and allow users who do not have access to large scale mining facilities the opportunity to join into new projects meaningfully through active participation. DeepOnion have forty (40) weeks of airdrops but the requirements to qualify for these airdrops is to have at least 50 onions in your desktop wallet and be at least a junior member in the bitcointalk forum.
Deeponion started in July 2017 with a pre announcement on bitcointalk forum and a formal launch and airdrop details. Deeponion blockchain started mining and website was launched. Signature campaign commerced and thousands onions were distributed on the first airdrop, also the deeponion forum ( kicked off. The third quarter of 2017 saw the emergence of deeponion and listing on trade exchange, to enable users buy and sell for bitcoin. Twitter, Facebook and Youtube campaign started to make awareness of the project to crypto lovers in particular and the general public at large. There was also a release of paper wallet and brain wallet respectively. The launch of DeepVault (a revolutionary service that allows users submit document hash in the deeponion blockchain) saw the light of day in the forth quarter of 2017. This unique and novel feature provides for maximum integrity of a document hash submitted to the blockchain for safe keeping. Advertisement kicked off and people began to see the real value of th deeponion project. As it is accustomed, every cryptocurrency should have a white paper to inform stakeholders and investors the essence and future of the project and just recently the whitepaper of DeepOnion was released. An interesting to read document about the deeponion project and its unique features correcting the lapses of other cryptocurrency and ofcourse the founding cryptocurrency, bitcoin. With very low and private/secured transaction to innovative features, deeponion has truly proven to be a cryptocurrency to excel in the years ahead.
Momentarily, the emergence of VoteCentral (another unique and novel feature) which allow users to determine the future of the cryptocurrency by voting for future agendas to improve the deeponion project is soon to be implemented as it is in the deeponion roadmap as seen in the deeponion whitepaper ( Also DeepSend, a transaction-side security feature designed to obfuscate transaction traces within the blockchain will be one of deeponions key features too. It comprises of a numebr of technologies including Zero Knowledge (technologies by Zcash and Zcoin), Coinjoin technologies and Ring signatures by cryptonote (like Monero and Bytecoin). See whitepaper for more information on these upcoming features. The launch of mobile wallets for Andriod and iOS is also soon to be implemented. The near future will see deeponion been listed in major exchanges in the crypto world and most importantly, the acceptance of the cryptocurrency for shopping in online shopping sites and for gamers as well. There is also a plan to support smart coontracts, main stream media actions and the future like i said will be determined by the community through VoteCentral.
Now you will agree with me that the journey so far has been impressive and the future of this great cryptocurrency is truly promising and one to look out for.
visit official website: