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Top Crypto Events Planned for Tomorrow
1 - Telcoin (TEL): Indodax Listing
We are pleased to announce a new Crypto Asset that will be added to the Indodax marketplace, Telcoin (TEL) @telcoin_team.
2 - GAMEE (GMEE): BitMart Listing
GAMEE (GMEE) @GAMEEToken will list on #BitMart on July 15!
Some World Crypto News
#1 - S&P Dow Jones Indices (S&P DJI), the world's leading index provider, announced today the launch of its latest cryptocurrency indices including the new S&P Cryptocurrency Broad Digital Market (BDM) Index. The BDM provides a wide performance snapshot of the cryptocurrency market and includes more than 240 coins at launch.
#2 - Australia’s Minister for Industry, Science and Technology announced 5.6 million Australian dollars ($4.2 million) in grants to two blockchain-focused companies, including traceability firm Everledger and technology consulting startup
Todays Top Gainer and Loser for Today
Top 10 Gainer (last 24 hour)
Top 10 Loser (last 24 hour)
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