Inevitably. $5000 next, just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
It doesn't really matter what governments do, or what JP Morgan corporate types barf, Cryptocurrencies will - one way or another - blow them away.
Once cryptocurrency exchanges are decentralized in the same way crypto already is, (i.e. everyone becomes an exchange) there's nothing governments will be able to do to stop it. The exchanges are the last centralized neck on which they can stomp.
Governments may even screech "Cryptocurrency will not be recognized as a method of payment" or deem it illegal. But the fact is they are powerless to stop it if they can't actually SEE the activity.
This is exactly what crypto was invented for - to make money decentralized, untrackable so it is directly usable by the people, without a centralized entity that extracts fees, bails in bank deposits and slaps on taxes.
Hope you'll follow me back my friend!