Are Cryptocurrencies Great Gifts?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

Now I'm seriously beginning to think that cryptocurrencies could become a mainstay in one of our basic human activities: gifting. This is coming from a guy who's pretty crappy at buying presents and stuff like that! While some of us may enjoy hunting for personalised gifts for our friends and loved ones, most of us will be tired of doing that by the age of 30.

Gifts come in many shapes and sizes. Some of them have intangible sentimental value, sure - that's a market by itself. But let's consider highly functional gifts with socially accepted value like money. Indeed, some of us tend to give away money as a form of gift or present, especially if we're super clueless about what to give others.

So this comes to the point: why do we still continue to give away traditional fiat currencies as gifts? They're not as interesting or as innovative as cryptocurrencies. We don't have magic internet money back then, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't embrace what we have now. Let's consider Steem a gift:-

  • There's monetary value in Steem. While its value in the future can't be guaranteed, the same can be said for whatever we hold to be valuable at this point in time. If it rained gold tomorrow, then gold will be worthless. As it is, we can be sure that the Steem supply itself isn't subject to such an anomaly because its production algorithm is secured by the blockchain.

  • More Steem Power means better voting influence in the network. You can use your votes for charity, to support artists, reward great content, thank your most engaged follower, and whatever else - it's up to you to determine the purpose of your votes. Your votes distribute value in form of Steem. High utility product here, in my opinion.

  • Precious, and one-of-a-kind. Zero fees with 3-seconds transaction, yada yada. No normal gifts can do this. You certainly don't see these characteristics in gifts like teddy bears and polkadot bikinis.

  • Steem Power grows over time. It's kinda like having a growing savings account. Just like how a friend bought a small amount of Bitcoin for his daughter, I think I'm going to reserve parts of my Steem to keep for my great great great great grandchildren.

  • Steem voting is like gifting mini-gifts so that others can also give mini-gifts to others..

Mimicking DeBeer's diamond circlejerk.

So yup, I'm going to start gifting in cryptocurrencies starting from mid-2017, from birthday gifts to wedding dowries LOL. My bet is that cryptocurrencies will become a huge part of humanity's gifting culture in the future as abstractions of their value become more socially acceptable over time.

Fact is, our minds don't really distinguish physical and virtual economic realities all that much, not especially in an age of digitisation and dematerialisation. This is why you're seeing cryptocurrencies growing in value even though you can't see or touch them, pretty much just like the virtual reality of your online bank account balance these days. If you think I'm shilling and hyping up worthless coins over here, wait til you read up about diamonds, DeBeers, and commercial holidays!

Personally, I really can't vouch whether or not cryptocurrencies are great gifts - that may depend very much on their market value, even in terms of sentimentality. But from the perspective of being able to gift something that can be used by anyone on this planet, Steem looks like it's shaping up to be one of the best gifts that I can think of.

Not to be taken as financial advice. Image modified from this outrageous ad.

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I like the idea! I think of it as a 'two for one' gift. The first is the obvious monetary gift, but the other is far more rewarding which may at first get overlooked.

It's the free introduction to something new, with the gift of crypto such as Steem, they can learn how crypto works and get used to using a wallet as well as learning about a really cool new social media platform that is decentralized.

There are still so many people that haven't even heard of anything crypto and still operate their personal socialization under a mysterious 3rd party authority. With a gift such as this, it can lead to an awesome 'risk free' adventure, because someone was thoughtful enough to take the time to give a gift with more depth than a gift card.

Great idea gifting STEEM or SBD, I got in on Steemit when they were still giving a tiny bit to new signups, having a bit to start is very encouraging, receiving it as a gift from someone you know would be so much better. It would encourage them to get into Steemit instead of so much FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc who give back nothing to users but ads. It is a gift that gives on many levels as you mention.

Thanks for the response. Couldn't put it better myself, I'm definitely considering gifting STEEM Power to close friends for their birthday. Well at least the ones I think would enjoy (or is currently enjoying) the spirit of this platform.

My pleasure! It's a great community here and I'm enjoying being a part of it. I notice you do a fair share of Resteem, could you enlighten me on how that works. Thanks!

I think today Bitcoin and Ether both make great gifts. I think part of what would make it such a good gift is ensuring you take the time to educate the giftee about how to send a transaction and such.

A paper wallet accompanying a wallet setup and transaction sending session would make a great gift.

Yup the onboarding / UI / UX is the package that's needed for them to be viable gifts (coz if nobody knows how to use them, it's pretty useless..)

As I would think it would be an amazing gift, my friends and family would first need a 2-hour crypto-101 before they see any value in our gifts ^^

That'd be time well spent.. maybe!

Lol, actually yes. Imagine you becoming a millionaire eventually and your family is pissed because you never tipped them on this ;)

Exactly. I make sure that my gift starts with just a few bucks and a meeting so I can be sure they are secure with the tech. Then later on ill send them the big bucks!

Cool! I hope so much that this will revolutionalize the world, just like internet did. Always dreamed of being part of something with that impact. I was only like 8 y/o when internet got big

Sure thing! Welcome to steem! Ya got my follow!

Not only bitcoin and Ether mate.All crypto currencies are great gifts for the future right now.


Such Wow!

I've always been told, "Give a gift you would love to receive yourself", so by that merit, YES cryptos are a fantastic gift!!! :P This is a great post!

But a gift from someone gives more meaning :)

They really are great gifts :)

Totally agree @famcore. I want to send this type of gift to my kids and educate them how to use it.

okay, you got me. at first I saw crypto like some great futuristic stuff but never tought about it too far like giving gift to my relatives, even when I've introduced some to steem. Now, I might start to think about this as an easy, secure and of course great gif since is money, they can buy whatever they want without secretlyblaming on me for something they never liked LOL

I guess it'll only make sense when the product / service is easy to use enough, and I think Steem / Steemit are pretty good minimum viable products - I've not seen this anywhere in the cryptospace (I've been using Steemit almost everyday since one year ago).

they can buy whatever they want without secretlyblaming on me for something they never liked LOL

Haha I feel you, I always buy books for people coz I totally suck at gifting. This year I'm going to consider cryptos liek i've mentioned in the post :)

Personally, I really can't vouch whether or not cryptocurrencies are great gifts

A cryptocurrency gift will only means value to people who use cryptocurrency. It will be valueless to people who don't even know what cryptocurrency is (there are millions of people who don't). It would be worth gold to a crypto enthusiast.

A man's meat is another man's poison

I could see it being gifted similar to how some grandparents will gift bonds to their grandchildren. The kids have no clue what they are initially, but learn over time. Probably a good way to introduce people to cryptocurrencies as well! Don't know anyone that wouldn't be happy to be given some money that may be more valuable over time.

I agree with you.. It is all pros and cons, some may even loose it before finding out how useful it is

Very true. Could always be one of those gifts that you "give" a kid and really hold onto it until they are old enough to really understand or learn. Hopefully by that time it would be worth significantly more!

Don't lose your password! Most importantly.. lol

Lol, yeah, that would have to be number 1 on the list of Important Things to Know

Got that right :)

Thanks for this awesome post.

It's a lot like a gift card in that regard, I think.


I definitely agree with this, it's a hit or miss.

maybe i should give all family and friends crypto for xmas and if they want the gift they'll have to figure it out lol :)

Yes but painful to see it be handled carelessly and lost... I've experienced this. No bueno! :-P

It will definitely get lost. Do you know how many people that lost their bitcoin gifts that would have made them rich today?

Truly hurts my heart to think about it...

That is why you should only give cryptos to people who knows the value it has.

Its more than a gift :)

Indeed it could mean different things for different people, just like any usual gift.. although i'd say it has plenty of functions, depending the token :)

Yeah right, giving somebody a knowledge about crypto is giving them more than just a usual gift, its a fortune.

I was actually just considering this earlier today as a close friend's birthday is coming up this week. Though I do like the idea of giving away cryptocurrency to try and encourage people to learn more about it and buy more for themselves, I think its a bit like giving a gift to someone that you plan on using for yourself (like that old Simpsons episode where Homer gets Marge a bowling ball). In the end I decided to get my friend a traditional gift, but will give them some cryptocurrency as well, at a later date, not as a part of their birthday gift.

Hahah! I think Steem is pretty easily usable right away, for voting / curation rewards and building a community / network with others. Great thoughts there buddy, sure your friend will appreciate the gesture :)

Short answer...YES! :)
I did a post a long time ago about a tweet where a man gave his friends newborn a btc paper wallet.
I know it is common for ppl to setup savings bonds for kids or buy a share in Disney for example. I think it could be common in the future, to gift btc or crypto to a newborn, with the idea that it will gain value over time. The money is valuable but the education even more so!

Check out's smart token baskets. It's pretty awesome for our long-tail currencies!

Looking into it right now. It is pretty fascinating, If I am understanding this is essentially like a stock ETF , by buying/holding a single token you get exposure to a variety of ERC20 tokens?
The financialization of crypto is happening so rapidly it is incredible, even more incredible is that fact that nearly no one is talking about it! Thanks for the tip on bancor.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

My wife isnt familier with crypto currency so For her birthday I wanted to introduce it to her and I've opened a wallet for her with 0.2 btc and gave her a printed explanation about bitcoin and how can she access her wallet and where can she buy stuff or even hold it till it grows up in value.
she didnt like it :(
I think you need to appreciate it first and believe in it to be happy recieving it as a gift.

Haha sorry to hear that. Sometimes we're just in our own bubble. I guess in the end is what we can do with it, and with Steem Power, it just seems like something i can use everyday. Which is why i'm around voting and stuff almost on a daily basis. I know distribution of funds are going out, just like Bitcoin mining, but socially..

Yeah, gifting crypto is a great way to get people involved but it has to come with a bit of education too. I have tried giving friends and those that have followed my steps and gotten into stuff like Steemit or Bticoin a few bucks in each to help them along. It can be a great gift (if the value goes up astronomically) at the very least it is a fun novelty gift.

Better than "a donation has been made in your honor to X charity". I have received those and thought, "thanks, you made a donation in my name to a charity of YOUR choosing, not mine."

It'll only get better as the bubble grows bigger until it enters mainstream consciousness! It's programmable money after all, so they can be made in any way to capture their different markets =)

Lol, too right about the donation one although we don't see that practice around where i'm at in asia

The donation in your name thing was big in the late 80's and early 90's. People thought they were "helping" or whatever by doing it. I am not sure how many followed through with it though as you could print those little cards up with a printer. There were even some card companies that created blank ones that let you buy them then put the name of the person and charity in on your own. Someone made some money on that scam, just like the pet rock and later, the pet USB rock.

At least with crypto, the recipient can see they were gifted something and if they don't care for it, they can easily unload it (unless you gift them some obscure crypto).

Ah now that you've mentioned it! It does ring a little something. Everything just seems so scammy before blockchains :P hahah!

Sadly, so many people call things using the block chain a scam but then blindly donate to 'charities' that barely give 2 to 5 percent to actually help people.

It is.. you may enjoy this little post here for that matter! :

'Just ask Bob' lol. Upvoted. That was funny.

An idea whose time has come! Granddad might not understand a cryptogift, but granddaughter will, and Steem is an outstanding choice for the reasons you've outlined.

Pretty amazing how stuff works huh. Being one living in the bubble of cryptos, most of whatever I talk about would seem foreign to my family and friends. But just like the computer and the internet, it's just a matter of time until the bubble includes mainstream consciousness..

Yes... I only said yes.... and agree with your opinion and thinking about cyrptocurrency as a gift ( as long as have valuable for gift). Thank you for sharing :)

yeah it's tough, needs to have market value too, or else non-crypto will be better gifts if there isn't any attachment of monetary value :)

I feel like it's a way more modern and way better/profitable version of my grandmother gifting me a savings bond. And I'm totally cool with that. Besides if you end up with some crappy currencies just hand them out in Halloween like celery and carrots.

Besides if you end up with some crappy currencies just hand them out in Halloween like celery and carrots.

LOL comment of the day. The great thing about most cryptos is with it, u can be a passive / active / working investor anytime.

Maybe along with the coins/token you can also send a ebook on blockchain so they get to know what it os you just gave them

Yup that's a great idea :) it's all in the packaging, even for something that's ultimately digital in nature..

I think they would make gifts giving steem to somebody for there birthday to help invest for their future giving $25 of steem could become a great investment but also a amazing gift. Steem on!!

Yup it's not too bad. During Lunar New Year, the married people usually give out money in red packets. Let it be crypto next time. Way more fun

I agree 100% and it could be as simple as giving them a red envelope with a paper wallet holding any form of crypto currency.

Not a bad idea, could even spread outreach to non crypto users and guide them to the empowerment we have all found already here. Great idea, may have to implement this in my 17 year olds birthday this summer, what daughter wouldn't want money, right? lol. Following for the ideas you provided, keep up the great work

Thanks for dropping by @sflaherty . Why not, if Steem users are just gonna grow in numbers. But other than money and all that, I find that replacing my daily feed with Steemit user generated content is way better than any my feeds in other platforms..

I agree, that is why I formed Steemit Blogger Central to host Steemit user feeds. Something tells me the gift here to help community members reach the mainstream will benefit a lot of people. So you and I are viewing the same ideal there I believe. Money is great but I am more about crypto for the movement to change the system that is a mess. So I rather sacrifice now and do the work and maybe benefit later as a surprise along the way lol. Its all about helping each other out and spreading the joy of someone having their talents appreciated. Once again great post my friend, gonna pop by and check in the future to see what great new things you spread to the community

Crypto would be a great gift for kids. Sure beats the old savings bonds our grandparents used to give. What a great way to start a college fund.

Crypto may be the only thing going up faster than college tuition.

Inversely, college tuition can be cheaper.. if one chooses the alternatives. Plenty of big unis now offer free materials until one needs to get certified for them..

My brother has given everyone in our family crypto currency for Christmas. I also got a bunch of STEEM for my birthday. I can attest they make great gifts. :) Also, they have really opened up people in my family to the idea of crypto currencies.

Nice! I bet the "tutorial" involved a great time too =)

He actually just held on to the coins for each of us and handled the cash out whenever we wanted to trade them in for cash. My mom actually still has her litecoin I think :)

She must be on a diet, hence litecoin ;)

I think the real gift will be to teach them how to use one

Definitely a combination of advancement in UI / UX too. Don't think i'll be bothered to teach using crypto on the command line.. but you're right, in essence, that's invaluable!

gift me some and ill let you know how it feels <3 hahahaha



definitely a great gift for me! :D :D :D

Have some!

Do what I did, take your Christmas gift money and put it into ETH or BTC. At Christmas, break it up into paper wallets and gift those. If they quadruple in that time . . .

Yup only for their rising value.. in steem's case at least it can be used everyday to distribute steem through votes :)

I am now going to gift my very confused friend some Steem. Hopefully he will start using the Steem platform:)

That's a very nice gesture. One thing i like about using steemit is the total change in feed. Getting much more knowledge and doing stuff now that i'm away from facebook feeds..

Have fun buddy! (i'll advice you to upload and do up a profile in settings, you can remain anonymous, but at least include some "branding" :) )

Advice taken:)

I could not agree more! With the insanely increasing rate of crypto in recent months, crypto currency would make the best gift ever!!

Great article @kevinwong!

I'd personally rather buy 24k of SP than 24k of gold hahah!

Good One Kev!

Totally, SP definitely has more potential and will go up way more in a short period of time!

Short answer.... YES!!!!!!

Ok GUYS. Time buy STEEM, not diamonds!

Hmmmm.... blood diamonds or factory made overpriced rock, yea no thanks. I'll take steem or btc, please! But also as a gem hound I'd take some nice black opals <3

I had just read about having a plan to offer gift cards. My IT friends would love it.

Oh man, they're the perfect wallet to do such a thing. Doing great things, glad to have invested in em!

I'm curious, and a rookie still in crypto. How did you go about investing in Jaxx?

I'd except cryptocurrency as a gift anytime.

Heres some steem :)


What are the tax implications of gifting crypto? Anyone? I am very careful to buy btc and keep careful records of every transaction. Do other people do this? Just curious.

Hmm @lpfaust might know more about it!

But the greatest gift...the blockchain..for all people!

The gift that keeps on giving.. true!

I am officially launching in a few weeks´ time an Ethereum-based project which leverages the "crypto gifting" my space ;-)

Will definitely! Thanks for stopping by to inform this :)

My GF loved the emblem of CLAMS so I bought her one) It is lovely when your present rises for itself, like you don't need to give presents often lol

Hahah! Exactly!

Great post! I love the idea of gifting cryptocurrency. Thanks for combining the tech side of things and the real life side of things. Again great post!

I think that's a good angle for anyone to approach crypto adoption :). Thanks for dropping by!

Well, that is food for thought. Especially when you place the coins on a cold storage wallet.

Almost a puzzle, worth learning.

Yeap.. it could be confusing, which is why i'd tend to think that steempower as gift is as easy as it gets. It's like giving someone a supercharged social media account that runs on its own currency lol

That's a good idea actually. Let's see if cryptos become more mainstream in 5 years or so.

Almost guaranteed to happen..

I'm also terrible at shopping for gifts. This would be a great way to do Xmass and birthdays XD

I belive in STEEM.

I know @slowwalker :) Me too!

It would be a good gift if the recipient has knowledge about cryptos.

maybe the "tutorial" and time spent explaining stuff may end up greater than the whole gift? :)

Only if they are ready to listen.

Don't give up!

Eventually they WILL get it!


I tried speaking to some of the store owners near my house. I can't even talk about cryptos in other languages... not even chinese, but that's failure on my inability to speak technical stuff in a language other than english. Even with the same language, it just seems to be an entirely different kind of bubble..

I toooootally see Cryptos going big time for the gifting space. Like gifting currency... only waaaaay better. People As you said, "precious, one-of-a-kind".

bitcoin and eth are above today

I'll look at long term ;)

Congratulations @kevinwong!
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Can't wait till next valentines my girlfriend is going to be swept off her feet!... In all seriousness this is a great idea and definitely could work as a gift for the right kind of person

A while ago I set up approx $500 worth of bitcoin in savings accounts for my niece and nephew. I still have access to the accounts since they are young, but I hope that by the time they turn 18, the values will be significantly higher. It's exciting showing them how much their money has already grown even though they don't fully understand what bitcoin is. I'm working on it though!

My brother was gifting Bitcoin to my family when it was in the $220's. It was sweet because we knew he was so passionate about it and who knows what it might turn into one day. Well lets just say that $40 he gave to my son back then is now worth $514 today. Sweet gift for a 2 year old huh!


Sorry :(

ALL out!

Definitely best gift if they know about cryptocurrencies.

it can make a great gift if you give it to the right person

That's a great idea. Who wouldn't want to receive that gift?

Awesome post! You nailed it! Would you mind taking the time to read my recent post on steem power and influence? would mean alot! Thank you for this.

Got it buddy :)

i think it's really surprising that cryptocurrency is a great gift , though some people aren't familiar of the system yet, it will catch there interest as there money grows larger or lower but mostly upwards and onwards. lol

Yes ,you are right
Cryptos are a great gift for all of us

I think cryptocurrency make a great gift for anyone that is tech savy. The currency is purely based on the ability to process and obviously the internet. The process should be explained and the set up should be assisted in order to make it the perfect gift.

I won´t say cryptocurrency will something in the future .. but I can tell that cryptocurrency is already a big big gift right now..

nice...your post deserve upvote and resteem...

Hi there, I can tell you, I will definately be giving crypto as gifts, I want all my friends and family to be a part of this evoltion of money. Thanks for the post, I am upvoting resteeming and following! :=)

Am I confused or do all crypto currencies seem like ponzi schemes. Talk about

Amen brother, but I am a GOOD man in need of the gift of a girlfriend!

Someday I think it will be great gifts :D Heck, today I'll take a bitcoin as a gift if someone wants to give me some BTC!

It can go either way some people might welcome the idea, but others may not be so open to it. I personally think it's makes a great gift.

I gift cryptocurrencies too @kevinwong

You have been PROMOTED FREE for using the "opinion" TAG (hashtag)

I know i would love to receive steem or BTC or any altcoins as gift :D :D

This a good idea

Nice post!

Nice read. Upvoted and followed!

Yes it will be possible in near future very soon.