How To Buy Pepe Cash! Plus A Solution To Why You May Be Having A Problem Purchasing Pepe Cash.

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

Today I bought my first Pepe Cash! During the process, I had an issue getting the transaction to go through. The issue will be annotated below the steps of the process to buy Pepe Cash.But before I get to that....

How to buy Pepe Cash?

  • First, buy CounterParty Coin(XCP). This will be needed to exchange for Pepe Cash. Additionally, you will need to transfer at least .0001 BTC for the transaction fee.

  • SAVE the wallet passphrase that appears on the screen. This will automatically appear if your IP has not been registered.

  • You will notice the screen below when you initially enter the site. If you want to lower your BTC transaction fee click the Gear Icon and follow the instructions given inside the blue box. Remember the minimum is .0001 BTC for the Transaction Fee. It will take longer for the transaction to go through the lower the BTC amount. However, you will save fundage.

  • Send the amount of XCP you desire to spend on Pepe Cash to your Pepe wallet. Additionally you will need to send the amount of BTC you have selected for your transaction fee using the gear icon. The above step is also how you can find your wallet address. BTC and XCP are able to be sent to this one address!

  • The cash symbol is where you can confirm your deposits. This is also where you will begin the process of buying PepeCash

  • Click the Pepe Cash Symbol(Above Step, third icon from the top) and click Buy/Sell Pepe in the window that appears.

  • You have two options from this screen. If you agree with one of the offers for PEPE under the Sell Orders column then you can click on that offer. If you want to enter your own buy offer then click the Buy Pepe Tab at the bottom.
  • If you agreed with one of the Sell Offers then you must do a little math if you don't want to buy all the Pepe. Simply divide the amount of XCP you have by the XCP price per Pepe and enter that amount into the Amount of Pepe Cash to buy field. Click Preview Order to enter the confirm bid screen.
  • Click Place Order Tab if you agree with the transaction numbers.

Now You have some PepeCash to buy Cards or HODL!


Click the Gear Icon in the top right-hand corner and check the BTC amount needed to send a transaction. Assure you have that amount of BTC in your wallet or you will not have the ability to buy Pepe Cash.

Are you wondering what the heck Pepe Cash Is?

Click Here

All above images from rarepepewallet


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Not so hard? thanks for the low down!

@lexikon082.. great tutorial...upvoted

Thanks @bibek! I am glad I could be of help.

You welcome.. You r the great

Well done, very helpful, thanks