Digital Con of the Century: The DCG Group – How we are being sucked into a digital slave matrix (Part 1)

in cryptocurrency •  5 years ago  (edited)

Digital Con of the Century: The DCG Group – How we are being sucked into a digital slave matrix (Part 1)


Thank you for lending your eyes and precious time to have a look at this very important exposé.

I will structure this post into the following sections:

  5. Final Thoughts


History is perhaps the greatest learning tool that has ever existed, for it can enable us to foresee the future simply by examining the past.

Before getting into the details of what my research indicates we are heading for – namely, a planned upcoming system of total control over nearly every aspect of our everyday lives (particularly our financial well-being) – I find it imperative to offer a very brief historical look at what the powers-that-be have done in the past century or so to enslave us (at least financially).


Although the precise wording from the quote of the notorious family banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild shown above varies slightly from one source to another, its meaning is clear and concise. Unless one has been living under a rock for a while, it is difficult to ignore the fact that the monies used by people in most countries around the world today are NOT issued by their respective governments, but rather by private corporations (disguised as “Central Banks”) which are owned and operated by wealthy families and banking institutions.

In a previous exposé entitled The International Banking Cabal Exposed (4 Part Series, I outlined (after extensive research) in four parts the current grid of global financial control under which we are enslaved to. Here is a summary graph of the pyramid structure of this banking cabal:


And here are the four individual parts of the exposé if you wish to venture down this rabbit hole and learn what has happened in recent history. Although thorough and detailed, this series was written in plain and simple terms and is accompanied by many images to help emphasize points of importance. At a minimum, I strongly encourage you to at least have a quick scan or glance at its contents, for you may be surprised at what you discover.


Now, to return to our brief history lesson. I will simply outline a few events of significance which have taken place over the last century which will give you a good idea of key milestones which have shaped the financial system we currently live under.

  • 1913: In the United States of America a private corporation called the Federal Reserve was created (through the Federal Reserve Act) to act as the nation’s central bank which basically took over the power to issue and regulate currency away from the only entity authorized to do so, namely Congress. (see my related post for more details)

  • 1971: US President Richard Nixon closes the ‘Gold Window’, or convertibility of the US dollar (by other nations) into gold. This meant that the United States would no longer back the world’s reserve currency – the dollar – with gold. This marked the creation of the ‘Petro Dollar’ which was/is backed by nothing (apart from US Military might, of course). From this onset, it also unleashed a tremendous increase in the monetary supply of dollars.


Of course there are many other events of significance that have occurred; but as the US dollar is the main anchor in the world of fiat currencies, it stands to reason that as the current global monetary system (which is based on the dollar) approaches the end of its reign, a new monetary system will inevitably be needed to replace it.


In other words, since the US dollar is the currency that is most used and “trusted” in global trade, a paradigm shift, or ‘new and improved’ system is greatly needed.

Not only will this new system have to not be dominated by a single country (given the nature of international exchanges in today’s highly interconnected world), but it will also need to be adapted to the digital age in which we live.


The New Global Financial System

Just like the International Banking Cabal has their tentacles of control in every aspect of modern life and society (e.g., the United Nations, G20, Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, think tanks such as the Hudson Institute, NGOs, etc.) and have done so over decades of meticulous planning and execution, their modus operandi for the New Digital Realm will be the SAME; this time, through:

  • Selected Digital Currencies (not necessarily cryptocurrencies)
  • Cryptocurrency Exchanges
  • Blockchain Platforms
  • Industry News & Digital Media spaces
  • Regulatory Agencies & Bodies
  • Social and Business Media outlets

For, to cast such a wide-reaching global net of surveillance and control, it is imperative for them to cover ALL BASES so as to leave very few options for those seeking truly decentralized, freedom based communities.

Anyone wishing to transact in the New Digital Economy will need to play by the rules and submit to their levers of control, lest they be sacrificed and cast aside as digital outcasts unable to function within their matrix.


The DCG (Digital Currency Group)

The key to understanding the implementation in similar manner to what was described above, is to attempt to identify and locate those very entities that will carry out their agendas.

Their preferred ‘art of deception’, if you will, involves casting their players as seemingly legitimate, trustworthy, and viable players so as to make everything seem copacetic.

Accordingly, I have decided to list the ones for which I believe we should keep a close eye on in the months and years to come.

By doing so, we may find ourselves in a better position to clear the fog, unmask the beast, so as to not fall victim to their ensnarement.

This, of course, is much easier said than done, as the agendas and agents often get changed and shifted.

Since there isn’t necessarily a single Cabal or Deep State, but rather competing factions within these very structured networks, power grabs driven by excessive greed occur on a continuous basis.

Machinations abound by the various agents at play – governments, banks, political organizations, secret societies, etc. – some allied, others opposing.

Anyway, with that being said it is time to get back to the Digital Currency Group, or DCG for short.

What do we know about this group? Firstly, we must consider them for what they really are: a conglomerate.

Think of a conglomerate as a group of companies and entities operating within a given industry. Words such as cartel, syndicate, and consortium can also be used interchangeably to designate the nature of this kind of structure, or more simply a large and powerful web/network.

The individual parts (pieces of the puzzle), when observed in isolation, may seem rather distinct and separate from one another. But when viewed joined together from above with a bird’s eye view, so to speak, one can draw a much clearer image of the whole. In this case, the whole will be much larger than the sum of its parts.

Its synergistic, 2 + 2 = 5, effects will be undeniable if the individual cogs work seamlessly together to produce a roaring powerhouse of sealed control. In other words, the inescapable, hermitically sealed, beast system.


To unveil the Digital Currency group I will provide an overview of 2 important aspects: 1) Their Management Team, and 2) the Portfolio of companies that they own.

DCG Management Team

DCG’s management team certainly does not consist of amateurs. Fifteen are currently listed on this page but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are other hidden power players pulling strings at DCG behind the scenes.

For those listed, there are, at least to me, three members that stand out and pose some serious red flags and they are:

  • Their CEO & Founder Barry Silbert
  • Board Member Glenn Hutchins
  • Board Advisor Larry Summers

CEO & Founder Barry Silbert:

Even though Barry Silbert, the CEO & founder of DCG, comes across as a passionate and enthusiastic individual in the crypto industry, there are, at least from my perspective, several reasons to be concerned for such a character to be at the helm of the highly influential Digital Currency Group.

Firstly, in a Stocktoberfest East 2018 conference, he stated that “gold has no intrinsic value”. What an idiotic statement!

In a recent (May 17, 2019) interview with Bloomberg Technology he further made a fool of himself by making the statement:: “It [gold] lacks in utility; it lacks in usefulness.”

And at the recent (May, 2019) SALT Conference (described as a global thought leadership forum fostering collaboration at the intersection of finance, technology and geopolitics) Barry Silbert went head-to-head with Peter Schiff in a debate entitled ‘GOLD VS. BITCOIN: A DEBATE ON FIAT MONEY AND SAFE HAVENS’. During this debate, Silbert got thoroughly outfoxed and spanked by Schiff. Moreover, Silbert doubled-down on his usual assertions about gold, stating:

”In my lifetime, gold is gonna completely lose its status as this mystical store of value”. [Emphasis added]

His only strategy was to label Schiff as a ‘gold bug’, similar to how the mainstream media uses this tactic with ‘conspiracy theorist’ to discredit their opponent. When discussing the utility of gold, he sarcastically trolled Schiff by saying that future gold demand would be driven by ‘dentistry’, an earlier mentioned use of gold by Schiff (who actually just stated that it was one of its minor uses).

During the (mostly one-sided) debate, Silbert did a very poor job of advocating the merits of Bitcoin. He didn’t even mention one of Bitcoin’s most desirable attributes, namely its limited supply (of 21 million coins). This argument alone could have brought weight to his side of the debate – which was supposed to be focused on the aspect of either gold or Bitcoin as ‘safe havens’; but he failed miserably in his task.

In short, he did a terrible job. If you want to view his embarrassing performance, you can watch it hereunder:

While I can understand that a crypto enthusiast could say such ridiculous things about gold as a rival form of money, making such assertions fall in line with the traditional bankster mindset. In other words, anything to trash gold, as is done with those who push their fiat, debt-based currency markets. Fiat currency is debt, gold is money.


Furthermore, we must keep in mind that cryptocurrencies have been around for merely a single decade whereas gold has been used as money and an unmatched store of value for over 5,000 years.


The last point I want to make about Barry Silbert is that he is very sly and tends to speak on one side of his mouth. Let me elaborate a bit with a recent example. Last week, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin voiced some very bearish views on Bitcoin to which Silbert rebuted Mnuchin’s stance as a ‘Total Validation of Bitcoin’. While Silbert’s reply may appear as a totally logical and legitimate statement (given the numerous fallacies inherent in Mnuchin’s statement), what he fails to mention is that one of his DCG board members (Glenn Hutchins) sits on the US Treasury’s partner-in-crime – Federal Reserve Board and the other, Larry Summers, has also been a major contributor to these outfits over the years. I will provide a brief overviews for these two DCG board members below in this section.

Summing up on Silbert: as the CEO of the Digital Currency Group which oversees at least 145 distinct companies/entities, one would think that Silbert needs to assert himself as a highly outspoken individual who can instill confidence in the group’s collective vision of introducing a new digital monetary system (which from what I see is their overall goal/purpose). As in the banking industry, confidence is the name of the game. Without confidence, things can easily fall apart. Silbert must at least give the illusion that the new digital paradigm is the solution going forward. While I actually agree with this, to me at least, he comes across as a sly snake oil salesmen who is somewhat inept as a salesman for the Bitcoin (or greater cryptocurrency) community in general.

Board Member Glenn Hutchins:

Glenn Hutchins is a very high-level member of the US Federal Reserve. More specifically, he is a Director for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

If you are unfamiliar with it, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is the most powerful of the 12 Federal Reserve banks in the Federal Reserve system. It has its own trading desk and regularly intervenes (i.e., rigs) in the markets through its ‘Open market operations’ (see screenshot below for proof from their own website). They have used and regularly use this trading desk to rig the markets (bonds, stocks, futures, and other securities) creating an unfair playing field for other investors (institutional and retail/individual).



Thus, what worries me about having a member such as this on DCG’s board is twofold.

First, he provides a direct channel for the powers at the Fed (and their Cabal masters) to provide marching orders to be followed by DCG. In other words, ‘marching orders’ can include things such as market manipulations of securities, in our case cryptocurrencies and tradable tokens. And with DCG’s network, it wouldn’t be too difficult for them to undertake such tasks.

Secondly, we know that the US dollar fiat regime is coming to and end. When exactly, nobody really knows. But it is most likely to occur within the next few years. Its replacement – ushered in by the International Banking Cabal – will undoubtedly be a digital based one. Whether it is solely for the US or as a global currency that is also not yet clear. But suffice it to say that it will likely be a system whereby the Cabal has all the means and tools necessary to not only retain full control, but actually be in a position to have absolute/ultimate control, as their biometric digital matrix will have everyone accounted for.


Another major red flag regarding Mr. Hutchins is his membership in The Brookings Institution, a Washington, DC based think tank. Without getting into too much detail about this nefarious outfit, I will simply state that it is an institution that serves the interests of power elites, members of the Military-Industrial-Complex, powerful lobby groups, and the like. While they masquerade as nonprofit organization conducting research that “leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level” (their own words), they are highly destructive and interventionist on so many levels in nature. Not good. Not good at all.

Board Advisor Larry Summers:

Without a doubt, Larry Summers, also a member of the Brooking Institution is the evilest of the three.

Over the past three decades he has been complicit in protecting and bailing out the big banks in the United States on numerous occasions, essentially serving the International Banking Cabal (USA Division). Let me illustrate this with just a few examples below.

First, I must not forget to mention that Mr. Summers served as the 71st US Secretary of the Treasury from 1999 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. Most regrettably, Summers was instrumental in repealing the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act which had previously served as an essential safety valve to prevent big banks from using depositors’ money for speculative investments; the result of this repeal was absolutely proved catastrophic to the US Economy, as was so bluntly confirmed during the 2007-8 Financial Crisis. But it was all good for his banking buddies who received bailouts in the billions.

And previously, from 1991 to 1993 he served Vice President of Development Economics and Chief Economist for the World Bank. It goes without saying that the World Bank is one nefarious organization (see my related post for a litany of their misdoings.

Going into detail of his other grave misdoings would be well beyond the scope of this post; therefore, I will simply invite the reader to look more into this criminal should they really want to know what he is all about. I can tell you one thing, whatever he does is not for the good of the people but for the benefit of his banking buddies and power elites.

Click here for Part 2

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It took me a moment to give this proper attention. It was well-written! I don't have a lot to say, since it was so properly done. I may link back to it in my future writings. Thanks for putting it up! I'll do the next part tomorrow. :)


i am interested in the BAT/Brave Browser part.

Yes, I am sure many people on Steemit would be too. This was one of the most surprising companies owned by DCG and it will be interesting to see whether anyone finds something to indicate that the browser is/has been compromised.

Interesting and important article. I mean, Larry Summers FFS.
Heading over to Part 2 now and resteeming.
You need to fix your link to part 2 !!

Thank you very much for your kind words and re-steem @cattledog. This is very much appreciated.

I don't know why, but I've noticed very little activity/views on my posts in the past few months on Steemit, even though I try to post at the most opportune times. Either unlucky, or people aren't coming here as much; or both.

But thanks for helping out!

I hear what you are saying. You spend a lot of time and effort researching and producing quality content, and then you see something like this crap and it just makes you wonder why you really bothered. Steem is an imperfect platform.

I've subscribed to your on Minds, but it often seems quiet there too.

Haven't been so active on Minds for months. I barely know how to use it. I just searched for you there but couldn't find you; what is your main page or ID there so I may subscribe to you?

It's even quieter than your account !
You can find me here
Unfortunately somebody had already pinched Cattledog !
The only thing of interest might be my list of subscriptions.

Highly rEsteemed!

Santa Fe.png

Thank you so much @frankbacon. Much appreciated. Now following you!

@libertyacademy, In my opinion many Projects serve elites but just we can't see it clearly. Many are not experts and they can't see or read the aspects which stays Between The Lines.

Indeed! Thanks for chiming in @chireerocks!


Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @libertyacademy

Friend, your practical way of explaining a little history is excellent, I liked it a lot, from now on I am going to quote it in my government accounting classes at the university where I am a professor.

A brief conclusion, in the era of slavery slaves were a more important part so that the slave owners had economic power thanks to their work is that they could earn a lot of money.

Now we are being part of a new form of slavery, of course, since since the decade in which advertising was responsible for manipulating our lives, now that advertising is a unit of technology and also that new monetary form with digital coins, no it will be easy to break this slavery unless we leave everything ..

friend congratulations now I'm going to part 2.

I apologize if you consider it offensive of me to go read this publication ..
The university and the Blockchain.

Dear @lanzjoseg, thank you so much for your reply and kind words. I am most honored should you decide to quote anything from my humble work. I use to teach business in a college in Canada and really miss it.

I looked at your blog (following you now) and see that you can speak Spanish (and are possibly in/from Ecuador); if so, that is amazing.

I will definitely read your post 'The university and the Blockchain' and do so momentarily. It seems like you know a lot in this field.

Thanks again for weighing on this subject and I appreciated your thoughts on slavery in the broader context.

¡Muchas Gracias!

Dear @libertyacademy

Friend, I am very pleased that you can read my publication.

I am Venezuelan and I currently live in Venezuela a country that is dominated and governed by a very well organized group of drug traffickers and murderers.
The professors that make life in the university are for pure love the government of Venezuela is gradually suffocating the universities, many teachers managed to flee, I could not, but I really want to do it,

However, while I am here (figuratively imprisoned) in this country, I must continue to do my best for the students who are still fighting for freedom.

I send you a big hug from Venezuela.

Dear @libertyacademy

I bookmarked your publication several days ago and I've been doing my best to put aside some time to be able just to sit down for 1 hour and read through those 3 recent publications of yours.

Finally I managed to find some time yeyeye :) I'm starting to read now. I wonder if by the end of this publication I will still be in a good mood ....


MINDS.COM - Just added the exposé there if any of you use Minds.


Although I didn't mention it in my three-part post, my exposé was largely inspired by Kent Lewiss, the creator of who introduced us to DCG in his video interview with SGTReport.

Mr. Lewiss also produced a document entitled How to Thrive in the coming Cashless Society (PDF) which also provides valuable info about DCG and the current global banking cabal along with what we can do to counter these systems.

Part of his vision also includes a truly decentralized 1776 cryptocurrency token with which we could operate out of the beast system that awaits us.

On the they also have related discussion groups along with some other important topics such as 5G, Geoengineering/Chemtrails, Vaccines, etc. So, I encourage you all to have a look and even sign-up and participate. These are the kinds of projects we should be seeing more of and taking part in.

Like I recently stated in a comment to James Corbett: if we all work individually in isolation in our little own little respective bubbles, we have very little chance of countering these powerful and evil entities.

Thoughts welcome.

P.S.: Here is the video interview with Kent Lewiss from SGTReport:

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