The Internet @daznez

in cryptocurrency •  5 years ago 

On one of my earlier posts someone commented this and i thought it was really well written

here's what the internet knows about you:

your full given name

your date of birth

your place of birth/ towns of residence

your medical problems

your addictions

your sexual preferences and fantasies

your children, including what they look like and all of their data

your hobbies

your pets

who your friends are

who your best friends are

what your friends like to do and all of their data

who influences who & group dynamics

where you went to school

what qualifications you have

your bank, including special password (and george osborne passed a law allowing the tax man to raid your bank at any time if they claim you owe,)

whether you have disposable cash

how impulsive you are in buying

all of your supermarket items

your insurance companies

your car

your convictions

your credit rating

your deepest fears

your greatest hopes

your company/ employment and all of the data that goes along with that

your employees' data

your shopping habits

your political preference, including and focusing on those who are completely anti-establishment

so you tell me just supposing, IF a mad megalomaniac bad guy wanted to take control over every aspect of people's lives on earth, making laws strictly forbidding certain kinds of behaviour and certain kinds of speech, would it be possible at all to do that via control of the internet as a) more and more of the world gets online,) and b) we live more and more of our lives online and the offline option is quickly being removed and c) they have a police force and laws passed that will allow them to physically come and arrest you, detain you indefinitely under anti-terrorism charges, as well as cut you off online and control people's feeds so hardly anyone hears about it, then WOULD having everyone using the internet for almost everything be a good way to do it, d'ya think?

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