Back from sabbatical! Ledger Blue Review!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)


So I'd been on quite the hiatus since my last posting. I recently managed to get myself a new computer after more than a year without one. I decided to go with the Acer VX15 with an additional 1TB SSHD for storage and performance purposes.
But shortly after getting this new laptop, I realized I couldn't figure out the proper username spelling and password combo! Obviously, this problem was recently solved, so let's get down to the recents, currents and soon to be's! Waisichu Heyoka is back!


First, in the Crypto field, I've been purchasing frequently and hodling/trading on a small platform. So far I've been moderately effective at the general practice of recognizing promising investments, however I've often been too impatient with my buys and I am working with a limited fund. I look forward to the continued growth in understanding and wealth of personal sovereignty that blockchain and similar technologies will hopefully grow to enable. The currency exchange aspect of Cryptocurrency interests me in the potential social effect of this level of digital abstraction regarding value, and the individual/group dynamic that the ability to perceive and give a 'thing' real value, even just a concept like currency (Hip Hop is a culture that similarly experienced in its epoch of reference; an explosive growth in perceived value of a number of ideas, social customs, arts, and objects from the endorsement of participating groups/individuals.)

Anyways, I also recently obtained a Ledger Blue Wallet. I've included some pictures and have fiddled around with the thing for a while. Here's what I've found:


The package arrived approximately a week after leaving the post used by the distributors (presumably in France) and was shipped to my local post. Upon opening the shipping container, I was greeted by a pleasant enough visual experience of the Ledger Blue box itself, with obvious design notes taken directly from Apple products.


Upon opening the box and lifting the device, I was taken aback at the lightness of the product. The entirety of the enclosure around the side and back of the screen is light plastic, and makes the device feel like there is probably some airspace within the contents. If this is the case, perhaps this free space might be dedicated to enhancement of the overall quality of the product (adding memory/features, etc.) Personally, I was disappointed at the initial feel of the product, I wanted something that felt solid, almost phone like.


There was something to be desired in the way of the power button on the side. Also made out of plastic and seemingly pressing against a rubber buffer, the button was rather loose, and 'jangly', adding a compounded feeling of the vast opportunity to improve the overall build, constitution of materials, and design of the product.


This adverse quality may be influencing an operational difficulty I had encountered, in which the power buttons functionality is intermittent. Often I will press the button and if the screen does not activate the device, either the backlight behind the PIN request screen will light up and return to blackscreen upon release, or simply will not do anything. The only solution I've found in this particular issue is repetition.


So, with the initial hindrances aside, I must say that the initial experience with the touchscreen was relatively comfortable and smooth. By no mean is this an extremely high-quality touch display, however the touch display functions without much complaint to be made (access to the wallet depends upon a PIN with or exceeding 4 digits)


The Ledger Blue is capable of supporting the following wallets:

  • BTC (Bitcoin Legacy/Segwit)
  • BCH (Bitcoin Cash)
  • LTC (Litecoin)
  • DOGE (Dogecoin)
  • DSH (Dashcoin)
  • ZCH (Zedcash)
  • ETH (Ethereum)
  • STR (Stratis)
  • XRP (Ripple)

However there appears to be only enough memory on the Ledger Blue to store about 7 wallets at any given time.

The process of moving my Crypto over was a relatively simple and generally enjoyable experience, however I was unable to figure out how to claim my BCH from the August 1st chain split from my Blockchain. info wallet. I decided instead of using the BIP39 generator, I'd simply wait for them to add BCH support.

Though I think there is much to be desired in this product, I am quite pleased to say I have secured my investments into the Cryptocurrency applications of Blockchain technology.

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