in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)


Real BULLS can't be more sure that this is just the beginning of a really exciting road ahead in even more exciting crypto world!

One of them even betting in One million $ that bitcoin will reach 50,000 $ in the coming 2018!

The very accurate Economic Forecast Agency had their charts far more optimistic and bullish last week about bitcoin, when prediction was exponentially increasing every month for the rest of the years to come, where BTC was hitting even around 25,000$ in JAN 2018. Now, I seen they updated their charts and switched to bearish mode as probably adapting towards new reddish trends. Shall I add how they should have left the previous forecast and if wrong simply admit they failed to predict the trend. It is not ok to update such data, even further it is not moral.

Last week mass media got raving and often seeding journalistic misleadings to irrelevant sensationalistic titles and infos about cryptos.
And people got lured and bit tricked I must say. Simply just don't trust or take for granted mass media, rather use your own thinking or check opinion of someone you really trust in judgement and proven experience. Mass media is pile of well packed you know what... :)
Trust me I worked or been trainee or inspection in most of those corp. and independent media and I've seen enough methods and "brilliant strategies " of - pay attention - all sorts of manipulations. One thing is sure, all this folks have all one thing in common, and that is not strong portfolio, but rotten and unstable SuperEgo. Thanks to my infinite passion towards math and crypto I promised myself not to work in any of them ever again. Just I am trained to infiltrate the semiotics of the "”NEWS" professionally, no matter how boldly they pack it. Unfortunately common or mainstream people are often blind to it.


So lets recap the media news and take a proper review on it:

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To be even more dramatic and misleading see this highlight:

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In newspaper of my language they misinterpreted like many others "the owner of website" into "One of the founders of Bitcoin sold all his useless bitcoins - BEWARE!"

This is common sense, unfortunately. So what if a guy who handles portal sold his BTC for better trend. Big deal! is mainstream site for mainstream people run by a crypto trader who simply put trolled pump in his favour. On the other hand real bitcoin founders activated the domain But not many people would think of that at that particular moment when seeing this big bold "spin news shocking title". Most people panicked and sold BTC for BCH, just like was seed intention in the news. The price skyrocket in next three days while the news were penetrating into weak minds, bitcoin started sinking even tough STILL default main crypto for any trading in most exchanges.

Then to add panic from the other side famous coinbase was having technical difficulties with BCH. They unlisted it and then listed again day after. Everybody and at once wanted the new advanced bitcoin which price surge might pass them by in a blink of an eye to who knows what price!

Then everybody started panic selling (BTC) - ofc "its useless as bitcoin founder said" -and even panic buying (BCH) like no tomorrow, like they have no head of their own. It created traffic crowd, and ultimately pushed the core of crypto into shaky ground. But this was just the intro or testing zone to market manipulative reactions. Believe me many experts had their very open eyes on everything what was going on with calculator in one hand, and screen shooting with other hand while having eyes on monitors.

First of all, when charts go nuts trading, experienced trader observers. Professional trader never trades in such moment. That is the base of trading, whether crypto or stocks.

People had no idea what they were doing. If they ever researched and understood BCH hence they wouldn't smoke such NEWS and act without thinking at least once. BCH is in experimental state yet to be discussed and might be subject to termination even before testing year finishes if it couldn't be implemented in mainstream usage across Globe. Technology still doesn't support that magnificent GB. It's a better version and as original as Satoshi idea, but it is still early.

But let's leave Bitcoin Fork for next detailed simplified analyse. There is much interesting things to be communicated. I was monitoring people's vox populi and hysteric trade and I was monitoring all other charts simultaneously for even more than that. And I wasn't alone...

Bitcoin is still cryptocurrency number One and all market and trend depends on it, don't forget that. And guess what I didn't sell it even I knew market will collapse in next days. For well trained psychology of the mass is most predictable, just like trends are if you are well informed and pay awakened attention. But if it makes someone in particular joyful to fund expensive panic fees, I can understand that. We all have our style that makes us move and that's what is most important. Do whatever makes you move.

This news triggering market manipulation was beta testing for the mainstream. Keep that in mind. Because as of december we all witnessed that beautiful green trend which captured massive interest in crypto even for those who know nothing of trading or crypto or can't even fund their starting positions. I seen people literally lending small money just to get in.

Good thing

We finally have gained total exposure and we can benefit from it, but never let ignorant greedy mass of people to ruin positive trend again. You can do that in two ways. Hold alt then buy BTC when going on the red or transfer all into stabile USDT while the red lasts (but don't do it now it's late for that). Even unfortunately this will start happening even more ahead as we go further. In long term crypto are still amazing and at the very start of the very curvy line ;)

This is just a signal that hefty players are disturbing and testing the ship when it just begun to sail away. They still don't trust it is a magnificent boat. And nothing is worser than sceptic personas who are driven with the back of the head.


It started rapidly last night, when total market cap got kicked with drastic cut from around 600 Bn $ to this in literary few minutes:

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I knew it! Was my first response. Then I was happy, I knew it will only be Silent Khai but not against crypto. Silent Khai comes from martial arts and means strong kick from inside strong power. All those massive massive fees and such a rush like a building was collapsing into oblivion. As we speak the market recovered, new opportunistic waves are coming to take another bite. But this is bit more sophisticated wave of mainstream. They know to google and they understand what they are reading. Those are mid age people, educated folks who work. They waited BTC fall around 11500$ and they know it's a keypoint and most of all they know they must hold.
So as we speak another 100 Bn $ of that class came into market cap and I am glad they are here. The future is even brighter now. But those bad red destructive bears and greedy sceptics will will come back and next time with even more than 250 Bn $. And they will do the same. They own and use media. Just next time they will be more comfortable to wait for more time before getting out because they will want more cash outs. I know well those kind of people. They know nothing special, nor real proper worth. They don't even have patience for proper knowledge. But if you ever met them, they are those who will ask you for your opinion on this and that, oh you know Bitcoin? - and most likely they will rub their hands second after that. But if you would ever work for them it will be only for their very own advantage.

Yes, they will legalize ICO, tax free for five years, while on off and on biting BITCOIN and testing mass reaction on their "news". They need no zeroes with pennies, they need only creators millions after they die. But we, math people, we love zeroes in every positions! They have no clue that zero can eat their most favourite number one, but number one can't eat the magnificent zero :)


dec 17 volume.png

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Very Green Market, great vibe and great trend. Everything is Green except that Ripple, USDT and IOTA. How interesting, isn't it?

Billions are pouring into market cap, news are still quite regular.

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It was very very positive trend. In whatever you invested it was green. You just couldn't fail. Most of us gained on many sides very nice and steady uplifting trend.


In this stage and those days ripple brainwashing was happening in mainstream to the fullest. Suddenly, common people started to talking about Ripple, BTC wasn't their topic anymore.

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Everything turned to RED except RIPPLE and USDT! They were winners on the top list. The mainstream testing suceeded. Big pull back, cash out the sooner the better! I could hear grof Dracula shouting and smiling. 200 Bn dissapeared faster then it was put into market trough DEC.

Gainers & Losers

And here comes gainers and losers of this epic wild ride with Dracula & CO and all the consequences of the Dracula surge. Take note for yourself.

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Instead of Bitcoin, the highest priced coin became:
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Bottom line, let's stay strong against centralised attempts of market manipulation. Crypto belongs to people! Young people! That includes reacting on stupid news or following behaviours on market, too. Know every coin. Know your portfolio! Hold it and love it! Give it for nothing!



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hey thanks for the follow!. i do remember your commenting your profile from back then, but I have you followed now as well too.

Hope all is well!

I'm hodling my favorite projects!

All is great! Welcome again then :)